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- Publication:
- The Weekly Advancei
- Location:
- La Center, Kentucky
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
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ESSH a Governor Arrested No I IQ Subsrcibe for the Advance to take i a A the the and the OLKS IN OUR TOWN consecu for his HEH HEH HEH HEM HErt IT HEH HEH HEH HEH 102900 votes 83400 votes 17550 votes 13500 votes 4500 votes 2500 votes Bardwell Ky Jan Mrs Joe Kell of Arlington has an nounced her candidacy for the office of Carlisle County Court Clerk Mrs Kell will make the race on the Democratic ticket She is the first woman to make the race for a pub ic office in Carlisle County Hopkinsville Ky Jan Receipts of the 1924 crop by the Dark Tobacco Growers Coopera tive Association had reached a total of 19717580 pounds upto and including January 23 ri day was the best day of the season when deliveries reached 1583715 pounds Receiptshave been around a million pounds a day for the past week It was reported by the sales department today that sales of the 1924 crop were in excess of 75000000 and buyers are ready to check this tobacco from receiving station' floors as rapidly as deliveries are made Miller manager of the Stemming District reports sales of more than 7000000 pounds that type Delivery of Association Tobacco is Being Made And Then They Laughed No More 1 $400 up to $10 00 per pair $250 each 7 $3500 and above an editor produce wood hogs and so forth on subscription One editor who is something of a wag says that he recently ad vertised to anything to eat on and that one woman brought him a 10 gallon lot of buttermilk for her debt to him Charles Beecher Warren of Michigan former Ambassa dor to Japan has been named at torney general by President Cool idge to succeed Harlan Stone who now becomes a Justice of th Supreme Court Typewriter second sheets at the Advance office 5 THAI'S th' BEST J'OKE I EVER HEARD ABOUT A CROSS EYED IRL HEH HEH Sales of the 1924 crop are far in excess of the deliveries and this given as a reason why mem bers should rush their crops to the receiving stations An early delivery will mean that more of the tobacco goes into sales therefore it will not have to be prized and stored which would increase the handling costs the distance they seemed to be humming My God tc Like all ambitious youths they had aimed too high and the inevidable had happened We hope that the mistakes of the past may be their guide to the future' And in the meantime we will have to admit that when it comes to basket ball Cen ter Aint no The short course in agriculture under the direction of Prof Woods has been quite interesting and well attended The meet ings for this week have been postponed oh account of the weather But Jvill be continued next week and every one is in vited to come to these meetings On Tuesday night of next week we will have a very important lecture either on soils or oa farm management and then on Wed nesday night fail to hear our young attorneys argue the case Evening Shade Henry Thomas a farmer living near hear has the record of bringing a yearly load of wood to the local newspaper the Sharp County ReC rd for the last 38 tive years as payment yearly subscription It is the custom here ASSOCIATION IN SPLENDID CONDITION This year opens finding us with a good supply of farming require ments and in some divisions a small surplus which we shall offer while they last at an overwhelming sacrifice to us and a great bargain to our customers Please give us an opportunity to show you through our stock If we trade we quarrel Yours for 1925 Business or 100 acre farm not in association tenant must furnish himself Apply to Mrs Joe Webb La Center Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper at the Advance office '7 Jonathan Davis dirt farmer ex Governor of Kansas and his son Russell 28 (below) have gone back to the farm awaiting hear ing Jan 23d on the charge of bribery in connection with the alleged sale of pardons to state convicts They were arrbsted an hour before Mr Davis stepped out I of office The governor pleaded not I guilty The son was trapped ac cepting 51250 of marked money Guaranteed hosiery samples your size free to agents Write for proposition paying $7500 weekly full time $150 an hour spare time selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer must wear or replaced free Quick sales re peat orders INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS 4261 Morristown Pa 20 10t Gowns for your Teams per set from $600 to $3000 Evening Dresses for Old Beck $300 each and up Hoods and Bonnets good leather and round winker stays from Caps with long reins for riding fillies Queen Incubators for Cackling Madams Shoes and Stockings for Tin Lizzies $3500 per set of four and some more Garden and ield Seeds for the whole family cheap and upward Our prices range to suit the ranger and we have cooking Ranges to suit the most fastidious By Edward McCullough AUTOCASTER Paid Editor in Wood 38 Years Carlisle Woman To Be Candidate AliX RANDOLPH BROTHERS 00 BANDANA KENTUCKY Merchants who are going to Louisville for the convention and exposition there the week of March 2nd are requested by Louis ville wholesale houses to send in their names inorder that arrange ments may be made for their entertainment and comfort Our merchants are to register at the Armory upon arriving there so that proper credentials may be given them in order that they may share in the festivities The Armory doors will open each morn ing by 8:30 The contest in THIS county for the selection of the girl to serve on the reception committee and to take part in the contest for $1200 in prizes will close ebruary 14th One of the additional attractions will be a dog show one night during that week The show will be conducted by the Louisville Kennel Club and the finest dogs in that city wifi be shown Send your name to any one of the following firms: Abell Elevator Co Passenger freight elevators Adler Mfg Co Mfgrs Pianos and organs Bagby Howe Drug Co Whlse drugs David Baird Sons Whlse millinery 1 Blum Bros lorsheim Inc Whlse novelties notions Bond James Co Drug sundries Bosler Bros Leather shoe findings" Brakmeir Bros Stamps "stencils etc A Brinkhaus trunks Carter Dry Goods Co Whlse dry goods James Clark Jr Electric Co Electrical machinery etc Coca Cola Bottling Works Coca Cola Courier Journal Job Printing Co Printing Cusick Photographer Photographs etc A Engelhard Sons Co Pendennis coffee The Enro Shirt Co Enro shirts alls City Clothing Co Whlse clothing Harry eiler Co Mfgrs neckwear Hardin Hamilton Lewman Whlse seeds Hegan Magruder Co Mantels and tiles Henchey Co Whlse ready to wear Otis Hidden Co' House furnishings Inter Southern Life Insurance Co Insurance Klotz Ice Cream Works Ice cream Koehlor Stamp Stencil Co rubber stamps trading checks Leggett Platt Spring Bed Co Spring beds Lewis Implement Seed Co arm implements seeds Liberty Insurance Bank Louisville Paper Co whlse paper twine etc Louisville Wall Paper Co Wall paper Louisville Taxicab Transfer Co taxicabs Lynn Kerr Co Vatel hats Martin Broom Mop Co brooms mops rank A Menne National Candy Co whlse candy The Moos Co cigars John Morton Co Office supplies Office Equipment Co Office supplies etc Ouerbacker Coffee Co Peacock coffee i Pope Maloney Millinery Co Whlse millinery Chas Rosenheim Co Whlse china Rudolph Bauer candy 1 Cyrus Scott Mfg Co Overalls Pants Southern Optical Co Eye glasses etc Seminole Remedy Co Golden Remedy Shapkinsky Co Inc Dry goods and work clothing Standard Sanitary Mfg Co Bath fixtures etc Streng Shoe Co shoes Superior Woolen Mills woolen Swann Abram Hat Co whlse hats Thornton Co Coffee spices Translyyania Casualty Insurance Co Insurance Weatherly McKennie Co Whlse dry goods and notions Alamo and Strand Theatres Moving Pictures 1899 STILL ON THE ground The program that was given by the Claytonian Literary Socie ty last riday afternoon1 was greatly enjoyed by everyone present One feature of the program was especially enjoyed this being the vocal solos given by Miss Bryson 1 Sometime in the near future we hope to be able to display some mote of the talent brought to light under Miss careful training Each riday afternoon one of the Societies entertains and we would be glad to have everyone out that can possibly come The next Claytonian program will be riday afternoon eb 6 Every one is invited to attend Everyone is sorry to hear that our efficient Domestic Science and Latin teacher Mrs Carter has resigned Every school pupil that had any class under Mrs Carter realizes what a loss it is to our school by acknowledg ing her resignation We are glad however to know that we have another teacher in her place Miss Glasscow We all hope that she may prove just as successful in her work and we are all looking forward to a suc cessful semester of school with our new teacher Columbian Program Jan 30 1925 Opening President By all Original Story Orie Shelton Stevenson Washing Allen Cook Sarah Lee Massie Vocal Duet: Laura erguson Sells His Pete (who has eggs to sell) Bob Meriwether Sambo (The cook of the La Hugh Hines Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Literary Society pro grams given by the Societies every riday evening Sporting News Lowes came to La Center ri day night for a ball game no team was more confident of victory than the Lowes agrega tion as they entered our little city with colors flying They had played the and a few weeks before and having been beaten by only one score they were sure of a win In stead of being satisfied with having played our boys so close a game they were crazed with power by their accident and like the German wishing to conquer the world they were doomed to defeat Alas for poor Lowes they live only in the past On June 18 1815 Napofion met his Waterloo and on Jan 23 1925 Lowes ex perienced a waterldu that might well be compared to that of Napolian The game started at 8 Harris gave the signal and the ball was passed to Jones who shot the goal This was follow ed with two by Harris before the boys had been playing two minutes After that it was hard to tell who made the points Graham and Rutherford scored continually and the ball seldom reached the enemys territory The Lowes five were swept from their feet by the swiftness of our attack and at one stage in the game when the Lowes guard seemed to have lost his com panions Mr Lud raser kindly told him that the boys were play ing at the other end of the court At the end of the first half the score was 34 to 2 in favor of La Center The game Was a run away from the beginning to end In the third quarter substitutes were run in showed up almost as well as regulars? When the final quarter ended and the whistle blew La Center had made 61 points to 13 The feature of the game was the shooting of Howard (Smoky) Harris the La Center star center we add the smokey to his name because he was so hot that his uniform which was already red seemed to smoke we have no official count of Howards score but when the adding machine broke he had 31 points to his credit Lowes de parted sadly that night with colors draging in the dust and as their ord motors died away in Warren of Michigan New Attorney General What Next? Notice to Contestants: This is the last week we will give 100 votes on cash purchase slips if you have any cash tickets on hand send them in by Saturday January 31 The contest will' close in two weeks during this time we will give 1000 votes for every renewed subscription and 2000 votes for new subscription and ten votes on each cash purchase slip Get busy and ask your friends to subscribe or renew their subscription to the Advance REMEMBER the contest closes Saturday ebruary 14 Miss Elizabeth Lane La Center Miss Mildred Hagan Bandana Miss Alline McElya Wickliffe Miss Eovie Evans Kevil Miss Katherine Myers Bandana Miss Vera Wingo La Center Hopkinsville Ky Jan At a meeting of the executive committee of the Dark Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association held riday night sales and de livery figures 'for the present season were gone over and it was the judgment of the com mittee that tfie affairs of the organization wore in splendid condition and that this year promised to be the most success ful it had yet enjoyed Deliver ies are fully up to expectations and sales are better than they were for the same period last year At only two or three points in the district are members show ing a disposition to evade their contracts In these sections the reports as to members selling outside the organization are greatly exaggerated Wq are still fighting the battle of good merchandising endeavor ing to give our customers the BEST for the LEAST MONEY Good business principles considered Our Spring Styles are now ready for your inspection and are all the very latest 'SAY St NOU SHOULDA' GONE TO TH' CLASS PLAY OVER AT TH' SCHOOL SATURDY NIGHT THEY TOLD SOMB PIPPIN JOKES funny as DEW WEIGHT and HEALTH Can Rp RaswaI in as short time as 10 days To prove that you can be rid of thin ness that tired feeling sleepless nights nervousness and regain normal weight health and vitality I gend you Vitamines absolutely free and postpaid to anyone who will write me No cost No obligation If it cures you makes you strong and gain weight I will appreciate your telling others all I ask Simply send me your nanje and prove that you can feel and look 10 years younger HILTON 666 Gateway Station Kansas City Mo a I1 i Corn If you want your (orn crushed bring to Link La Center and get it crushed while you warm HOW THEY STAND SAY BOYS THE BASEBALL SEASON IS BUT A USW aiccuc avVAV MEQB YOUP CHANCE TO WIN 810 LEAGUE BASEBALL GLOVES BAIS AND BALLS JUST DRAW A PICTURE "OLD POP IN THIS COMIC LAUGHING SEAT THE BAND" MAKE HIM LAUGH REAL HARO DRAW IN INK? DRAW LARGER THAN 7 SIZE REPRODUCED HERE WRITE NAME ADDRESS ANO AGE ON BACK DRAWING AND SEND TO "0075 9b THIS PAPER Al6o TELL US WHAT KIND GLOVE OR BAT YOU WANT I YOU ARE WINNER CLOSES MARCH THE I5W 15 BjO PfilXES It? 8E AWARDED JUST THINK RS DEAR RIENDS 1 1 HAVE RECEIVED ALL YOUR DRAWINGS AND ENTERED THEM Wfr 1 These are days of rapid change! Epoch making events are transpiring at home and abroad almost daily Sensation follows sensation Local and world politics are fraught with unusal possibilties A full programme lies ahead of the National Congress the most important of whish are the various proposed arm Re lief measures Laws that vitally affect the Nation are up for discussion One foreign crisis follows another in rapid succession one can say what the morrow will bring Mail your subscription now to The Weekly Advance And The Big Daily COURIER JOURNAL One of oremost Newspapers vleklt advance la clntkb xWijcky 1 By special arrangements we are now able to offer The Daily Courier Journal AND THE The Weekly Advance Both one year by mail for only $550 This offer applies to renewals as well as new subscriptions but only to people living in Kentucky Tennessee or Indiana New subscriptions may if desired start at a later date and renewals will date from expiration of present ones If you prefer an evening newspaper you may substitute The Louisville Times for The Courier Journal 1 A The Weekly Advance i NOTES A Society Editor I nCKGO I I AHOTUEB I th One flu A A YH fl I A SHE VEHT 7 I vvj ii ii a am' ptc i 1 Illi 7 a etc hiii YN 111 Ml lak liK fl YOU CAin A7 ivJM vW Warn I wwfefci nN A 'I IIK 7 ra I Ci i.
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About The Weekly Advance Archive
- Pages Available:
- 7,141
- Years Available:
- 1908-1939