or court niauagemeut PR OO.M5 tot ti Transcontinental Motor Van Leaving for East Iowa, Nebraska. Illinois Missouri. Shop, lieverly Hlllw, pplldlle REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE DEPARTMENT Eicinc 524 F. tITH ST TI'. 2744.
NOT ri'iiponsililo lor miy di bu but my CtlUPl.E want position couniry oi' cily caretaker or gen. work. 5-yrs. exp. nitns.
Conuietent. Refs. Wile A-l cook Hskpr. Ph. Santa Mono-n 242SH, IN SCUFFLE (Continued) Classification shipments transported door to door.
No own. jamks, llldlolslel'lllg, 01 (11 1 i-cr. OX. RENEW your les, Haiiser boille Dr Jsumber 341 WILL not be responsible for uny debts ClatnVatloi Number 220-? MO- packing, crating or Bonded eni plnveex, carao coverage, tontract prices TKANSf'GNTlNENTAl VAN LINES 1'h, HI am hnn! 72Q40. MACHINE PH.
24111. UEWINDINo TORS. R-p SEWING bll ttns. Couple, white, an. it class cooii, butie lioiiscman, elc.
Can drive, tin unywher but Toy own lionise Hifrlif. 2.10 NUT resiJotiHible or any Ida but my Ref. 111. 140H, A'k for Apt. 4.
RI'GS cleaned, sized it laid. PA. 05U0 Bardad 0'Oiit it Rnr Chalimc Co. own and my wife's. Hay W.
Bennett. GARAGE MAN WINS J5H00T Gun Crown to Cheek Elderly Auto Mechanic Nabs Grand American Prize in First Attempt i Auction Salea Beauty Aids Riiildiu Tradei Hume Services Legal Notices l.u.-i and found Medical Moving, Shipping. lust place Dethroned Mat King Due to Be Sonnenberg' Helper 2 yrs. 4529. COL, loc.
te(s Royalty Aeency. BE. VVELKLY VAN SERVICE Northwest, Mlddlewest lcxai. Hernial Calif Service BEKINI VAN LINES, plioso.ct 4 Ml 211 203 213 isu 1S7 RUG SPEC. Uxl2 Itioroly cleaned, sized demothed, 25 Worn CE apt.
clcaiiins. COUPLE. 88 floors, walls. RI. WIM! gUILDINC TRADES dows ilnnrs.
rtwine Sloraga is hs Ml 50 10 80- 4(1 fil lni) X5 85-28 Against Dave Levin HUGS Ac CARPET cleamd. s.i.,i, ruitr imr. blm'ine. il-tmu-. 'h.
PA. Q.iHO. JAPANESE ope. exp. butler, chaufl AlOiOR VANS TO ALL PARIS U.S.
No cratlnir necessary Free estimtitis. L.A. STORAGE CO. EX. Slop.
cook. $125. Ref. MA. 411011.
Rm. JI2 puiisliiug. ituar Heal Estate Exchangci Heal Estate Wanted (Mate Wauled for Cain Suburban Close' lit Slate Lands Wesiwood Hills Houses Wesiwood Hills Lots RENTAL DEPARTMENT Apartments lleach. Mountain Resort Hoard for Childrenv Board and Itoum Bungalow Cuurts Flats. Duplexes, Doubles Hotel Kooms House keeping Rooms Houses Rooms for Rent SANDING.
Boy ino, i Mlis'. flioc. rCI'SHlialS Professional Services S.i ti 1 1 ri Hospitals Schools and Inelruciloo Special AiinouuceiiienUi Travel. Transportation When Ous Sonnenberg clambers 278 Et Reniuinsitilc Co. Free estimates.
Bueh Sill i ll Co. PR Ll'MBER $22 PER 1000 FEET. LESS 5'r CASH DISCOI NT iMi, lx, 1x10, 1x12. Fir. SIS.
2x3, 2x4, 2xS, 2x10, 2x12, slfi. Owens-Parks Lbr. 21UO E. 38. SITUATIONS WANTED 102 By Women UPHOLSTERED furii.
cleiined moth and through the ropes at the Olympic prooleil. lU'sser. Tit, 4 WcelllV I1.AND. Sea 1 lb PILGRIM WHSK wiiv tioinis SYSTEM. HO loc UPHOLSTERING lor (1578.
12 yrs. 2175. Mfg. cost, Full or part time. PH.
ACCT exp. IrtaVlee OX. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT 254 2U5 270 251 25.1 275 LUMBER, b.iisaiiis at I lit. Hainiiioud iuui Auditorium next Wednesday night, to grapple with handsome Dave Levin for the world's heavyweight your home R'-is ttiiir i'PHoLsTElilNG VAN to San Lend or part Wash Hot Mi r'rauciseo Ml' 705; Ore. Nile bur 20th Alameua sis.
Slip Covers HOUSE MA. 5S25. A-l LAUNDRESS MOc hr. St fare. AM ER, Keasonatne.
re- e- tl pail, lus VAN to Wash Lie. 1051 N. or Ore, Load or Vine. HE. 2500.
championship, don be amazed to rs. ol exp. Ill le VAl.ljC.y stik trade ll! allow, oil Architects good, Fl. BAKER cook. eiiteterPt.
51 1 new- cleaners. Used bity slO. Sil.l lM'-o, 'J 2711 2. SI 250 Suburban. Country, Miscellaneous Stores.
Office. Industrial Wanted to Rent RETURN load ostein permits low rales fi-'ods insured Conn net prices VE 1020. see the giant frame of Vincent Lopez, Mexican idol, In Sonnen- young lady, 1 Agente and Distributor! 121 I I'hh IIIHklllK Mllllllt'li ICm 1 .1 1 iv in. nt offered Couplet 120 Employment Olfered M'ti 11 fill II Employment Offered Women UU-1H Employment Swaps 1 105 Nurses 1 1 14 Situations Wanted Counlct Kit Situations Wanted Men Inn Situation Wanted Women 1112 motors repaired WASHING machine. S.
VANDAUA (O.) Aug. 28. P. Check, 59-year-old garage years, lull charge books office ot am a retir. 2101 VAN GOING NORTH.
WANTS LOAD OR rewinding, t-tt MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT local business. Refs. Call or write D. Linn. All.
117 12. I "2 5 Si PART. BUSK 01511. WINDOWS K. ll WORK tviihrouiiis d- I.Y I'll 0: EXPERT Building rians Vis.
exji, CAslilhl; with A-l record, II N. Atlantic, Ant M. Alliami'i ref 510 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 30 EXl'EItT wurk. Fine luu us, silk gaiiiients. Call ti del.
OX .11105. 111 S. Cammo Dr. DRAFTING studio. Complete service.
Keas. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hot CHILD care, nursery, kindergarlen, 10UB KolKTlson, WO. Oiuo. ALL kinds hom*o work lunches, lfie noe nay, io.i;. repmis constr.
nm. Eves, la Hone. Day, LA 4MIH CLEANING, colored iiianl. pari lunu ctiaiil Business Opportunities Business Opportunities Wanted Financing Stocks. Bonds, etc EVENING spare time courses In Illustrating.
Designing or Cartoomiig. Small cost. Catalogue free. Write or call. Federal Studios.
318 W. 0. TU 7425 Carpenters I2S 127 12X 123 3i feureite. Refs. i t.
liosn i EXPERT CABINET WORK A real job. Call VA. berg's corner, as his chief second. Senor Lopez harbors a of ill will for Dave Levin. He contends with plenty of bitterness, that he was robbed of the undisputed world title through a combination of foul tactics on the part of Levin, and utterly biased and unfair referee-ing by Verne McCullough.
Furthermore, Lopez feels kindly toward Sonnenberg. The former Dart Hotel-Apartment Leases Dai CLEANING, washing, iron pay work. GOOD AND EX I vale i on and Mining CARPENTER. COLORED. FAST WORKER.
Koas. tune or bundle wasn, i -n-t. s'Tvuv for animals. Ucas. 5o.
Times. CE. 21353. nulldinrt to Re Moved "7.1 I'lothinti and Furs I lnamnnda and Jewelry 372-373 Electrical Appliances Furniture and Upholstering 310 :115 urniture Wanted by Dealers S5u Lumber. Building Material 374 Machinery 376-37H Miscellaneous (or Sale Musical Instrument 352-154 Otlice Furniture Equipment Radios and Service 355-357 Sewing Machines 351 Sinn-.
Restaurant Market Eiiuiptnent 335 Rwatu itso Tractors (77 Wants of all Kinds Washing Machines 315 Bor writ Immigration, Naturalization FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT CLEANING, laundry, cook serve, yng 1 PECTALTY r.rrm.-in 1 ire. m. EXPERT PAINTING Phillle VA. Cement Work tt. TAYLOR, formerly chief inspector ri liabl while.
CLEANING. Intormnilnn free Hm 705 I2H 3r, 150 152 lil f. tare. RI. 702 CALL V.M.
BEGANEK Mill REPAIRS WY. DIP! OR worker. Delit Adjustment Money Wanted Mortgages. Trust Deeds Personal Properly Loans: Real Estate Loans 7o ft. Plastering, repair-vrs Free est PR.
0425. CEMENT work, inir, IS C. G. GATLEY. tired iniiniuratioii ullleial CLEAN, cook.
Amer. wa-liillg 10254. Pits, MO. 3U yrs. exp.
124 Commercial. ML. tiSU3 150 COMPLETE VALET SERVICE Wrile Box Times ironitur. rir, at rare ON- "Mi IMMEDIAIE SEKVICE ON ALL CRETE WORK. It A EST GL laundry.
Reasonable by day REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT CLEANING it 33 Attorneys' Directory mouth All-American football hero owner and auto mechanic from Clinton, made good a boast today and won the Grand Amer-" lean riandicap, highest prize In the trapshooting world, In his first at-- tempt In the annual classic. The gray-haired sharpshooter dedicated 25-year-old Herbert Bush of Eaton, 111., another garage own-' er and auto mechanic, In a get shoot-off. E. L. Buchwalter.
Springfield (O.) printer, went out of the shootoff on the first twen-' ty-five after the trio had tied with Rlnety-eight out of 100. TIE IN SHOOT-OFF They tied up In the shoot-off be-ffore several thousand gallcryltes. Buchwalter missed his twenty-fifth target In the shoot-off, and went cut. 'i Both the others went "straight" through the first shoot-off event. II I.
COMPLETE animal eatniug For info, write Box while. Rels. Times GOOD honest guar, cement, any kind, anywhere. Lowest price. OM.
il4S5H, 1:01.. cen. h.wrk.. A-l hom*o cook. r.xp ATTORNEY AT MEXICAN LAW.
Alfred POULTRY, LIVESTOCK. ETC. has made the statement that If he wins from Levin, Vincent Lopez, EXCLUSIVE cleaners it d.iers, Mauslleld's, 111, IP I. I1KH I'UIIIII'll. a.
jurtnrun. 337 s. mil st. ma, 1547 UI2 N. Larchmont Ave.
GL. 070(1 or out city, stay ou place. Best loc. ref Composition Trop- FOR Finn Hardwood CS pfd. $50 start.
FL 51SH. 157137 Rd. iali AN, IViwneV and none other, gets first whack at the crown. 4(1 Dentistry leal ILirdivcod A-l cooks part time, excel reis. iu.4 Birds Cats Livestock Pets and Supplies Poultry and buoulic COMPOSITION draiuboards $10, tubs inclosed $10.
Shwi'B. Floors. FL 3421. lien mains, too 00, u'bu '-mi -ir. FAl.sE 11x12 RUGS clvam-d.
mmI. 1.25 Matin-s $1.50, Free v. scrv. TW. 40S4.
repaned while you watt. Meanwhile, Dave Levin has es Rnvaltv Aecv. 1714 W.Jeffcrson. RE 4n leelh HILL, S15 S. ROOM 4011, Open eves.
plain cook, Ret tablished training quarters at Ocean general liwk WE weld anything vour home. PORTABLE ELECTRIC WELDING. S.VIK. 211 181 ls2 202 191 ma Sin Horn 10ft 201 lti5 2011 212 205 206 Contractors and Builders Reach Propertv Beverly Hills Houses Beverly Hull Lola Husinest and inouotrinl Property. Eastern anil Northern Gleiidale Hoiibea Gleiidale Lots Groves: Orange.
Lemon Hollywood House! Hollywood Lois Houses Lots tn Citica: Adiacent to L.A Income Property Los Angeles Houea Los Angelet Lota Mountains Lake Retort, etc. Poultry Ranches Ranches farms, etc (C'onlln jed In neit column Box I ones. AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT pHYSICIANS 50 COLORED Wuilors' Assn. llell, 1407. Besl VA SUIT.
ALTERATIONS. OLSON. AN. Park, which he feels Is his lucky spot. It was here that he trained for the Lopez match, and huge WE BUILD TO PRICES REAS citv.
Mamie wnne, jik-r. ALL cases. COL. proliiicnl, women and inen utitcK aller.iitous. all tests, low SI 5 Hill.
physicians 500 tees. Rm lelllclll worli, Lim-nsed EX. CARPENTRY, renair work. silrrcons service, itev, wiicnen. i SITUATIONS WANTED 100 kJ By Men office Id yrs.
local experience, 11 MS last connection, desires contact where costs, taxation similar iirobh'iua need attention. Will make nom all-round Automobiles Automobile Auctions 415 Auto Service 4UII Auto Tin-s Automobiles Wanted 405 Bicycles. Motorcicles 402 lioats. Yachts Motors 401 Truck. Trailers 411 bli.
SHORES. Asthma, catarrh, ilealucas tiiiil, Southern sni, crowds assemble at the beach city every day to watch his exp. Al). 5HHS. GENERAL repairs.
Carpenlfiing, brick, plastering cement, reas. RI. 17. acne, hay fever, nerves. 102N Florida St maid.
morninirs. helper. lauu Mother cooking. fori, No COL. iUv.
REMODEL-ltepair, additions sun porches, new const, finanix-d FE. 21SU. Ref. RO. 2X5.T.
inal mv. CA. Hex J-1S5. Tlnu Chiropractors good plain ACC'T. dciicndalde IrAiiitd.
exp. pub, COL. Kill co*ck. Hi wunts r. ad.
OXIDIZING helps high blood 12K N. San 10 Die Cutting and Easel Chipboard "Sonnenberg doesn't worry me a bit," said Trainer Ben Managoff, the veteran old grappler, who conditions Levin. "He's just a human pressure I'edro St i dt LOST AND FOUND pERSONALS rheumatism, etc. books kept, opened, closed, tlnan statmls. systems, taxes, Fcea verj reas AN.
111550. maid. Exp. Very sond plain hswlt. Hume eve, Ref.
RI. COL. gen 502 mlrd. U504. THAYER Free est.
Studio. Specialty dies 122U Maple. PH. 61 SIIAI hLtf, ttolil, set with sapphire, on it Cllie. mat llites.
Refs. CE Gen. home yiuc, davs or SANITARIUMS Hospitals and Rest Homes ACCOUNTANT, married, callable, reliable', wholesale, transportation. CP. A.
exu. A-l local r'trrcn'cs. VP. 70111. billy-goat, that's all.
On sheer Jhur. eve. between Hi lanco Theater A Hioiplway 7th nt. Liberal reward. V.
1 III wrestling ability, Dave towers over COL. exp. cook, io hsiiiaid. 7 Home nii-hm Kef. AD.
0055. Furniture Refinished l.aimimr. llih floor. 1121 S. Spring LARGE any rooms, private baths, beauti HKFK.
DEIRE FULL him." OR PART-TIME WORK. OL. fully fiirn. Special dots, electro-hydro it TAKARA HYGIENIC POWDER The aristocrat of feminine hygiene products. Solves your problem.
A soothing, cleansing and refreshing waeh. Be sure to get the genuine SOLD HY Aft. PKI'O STOKES ami'tbt, pearl, Monrovia neat maid Bush and Cheek each broke twen-i ty-four of the second event and twenty-two of the third. Then the Hoosier cracked twenty-three of the last twenty-five, while his youth-, Jul foe got but twenty-two. DAD SCORES Three years ago Cheek's son, H.
L. Cheek, won the "champion of champions" shoot here, and this year his dad "Just came along to rhow the boy how to do a little hooting." Despite the fact that he will be 111. BltOOCH. Kold, 3 car. (iljuil COOK f.
S55 up. COL. exp. Stay on pi. Hew.
KX. 21111. RL 0121 Full NO part ACCOUNT A NT-Hook time, years' CTcnAnen'i' pnysio therapy nicliuteii, moderate prices New Hope. Sanitarium, 2120 Vcr mont at Los Folia. MO.
COL. maid. Neat housemaid, coim. May or CAMKO brooch, heirloom, vie. Western Hollywood, Heward, 111..
1MI0. YOL'K furniture spray, painted at door, anv color or combination. ftPKAYCKAFT CO Tit UU78. Hardwood Floors, Flooring home eves. 50.
Ret. AD. l'42'l. Exp. Mines, ni.nkrt,, insui' Pt.
tinv. Ref. I'N. 4201'. WIUTEHOL'SE It.
st Hume, aio con valescent. Good care. 24 hr. service. Giad day laund.
'n RL COL In- maid. PI. cook, mk. cartare brown, Main beyond 6Kt h. Imp.
liew in 2 IIM-M. COAT. pern. Heas. rales.
Priv. rms. Ward ACCT'G 50C HR. TU. SS20 sp.c-e yio.
vtfutcnonsc I'l. EE. ill OLD FLOORS MADE NEW. Retnusliing bin days 21.111. Wauls 2 lare, CE.
COL. irl. mat. nl, Mon. Wed.
Soil UP. WilnUire dial. Table supplies Irom 2r rcw. "I'iiikc, thorobred male white. 12.
'n -yr. red, front leet it flXHfi, HLEAt HING, machine tanding. waging Free est. 12 yrs. ref.
D.W HI ST. OL 774 ACCOUNTANT Part nine limit, reports, lases, systems. OR. day rancn. tirei.
Also ranch home toi 10,000 TIRES MUST GO $2.50 Each, Any Size all new treads while they last hcktlngton rubbeu co warehouse Estah. 1013. S71 N. Spring St. dav or whole ce.
COL. Gen girl. Hants hswk. He Is. mental and physical poise.
El. S710 "i'liliac 6044. ELOOHS, laid, sanded ref. tor. Dependable Floor Co.
WW, toy Host, brin.lle male, Tues. Child's pd. Itew, WH. lie. 1727 21-IS.
ART student, Unpiiio. wauls lob. exdiaiiKC for rm. Ar bd. Citv.
MA R. 7 TH. epi COL. maid, Bill Henry Says: (Continued from Thirteenth Page) cusable system. Throughout the summer he declared he was so dedicating his efforts that he would be at his peak at the Olympics.
He left his field standing, and created a world's record. I would fly nine flags for Lovelock. house blls. CE. kee, maid i day, hofl MONTH Medical care, electrotherapy 24 hour service included Convalescents eldtrlv.
chronic LAI.ivitte tl24'i or nrieji. -us. Inures, hedds, oi 7 Spring. Write AR 1TST, ambitc el-c. It.
Lcvinoe, 2 DOO lost, white wire hair female, tan ears Hardwood Foreipn and Domestic SLACKS At skills, tailor to Uleeuie. Mt, COMPANION, nurw, bv lady of education SMmiis. ir ids Ar writes fllieutlv Ellirlisll reward, Kl. TI IH21 liARTENDEK. cximt.
d.iv. also short eye. a Ills Sal. hrs VA. UlTET BOARDING HOME.
LOVING AT TENT10N, TUAY SERVICE. H.T8 Westmoreland Ave. Exposition 72IS5. tine TROPICAL Hardwood Co, Spec, in uuii tout, white wire lour tail ear 101. French fi German can take full charm wool, jJllo.
slack suits. So Po. materiel Culottes sjieclal. $3.06 La telle Tailors, 630 Western, opp. Kress' tc 10c.
EE. US1, Open eves. No branch" wds. lor mltr. of novelties.
AN. reward. RI. 7712. TV.
I1K21, of any diet system. Kind 4c patient dispo BOOKKEEPER. ae 2S Hollywood preferred. Hnx E-105. Tim.
DUli found, am. tan-brown, nr. l'ico-Hedoii 60 years of age In December, the new king of the trap line does his fhooting without the aid of glasses. His victory today was worth more than $1000 In prize money. J.
H. Hinklin of Marion, landed In the fourth spot all by himself, being the lone marksman to turn In a 97. sition ii not afraid of work, tall write S. 410 NO VISTA. L.
A do. tlwtier ilcscripe, pny ad. WH. H7H7 L. A Sanitarium Hvdro electro lliht ther aov.
physical ennditiniung at medical scr vik. no. "2H An.ims. An. 775M tiA til i sti.n pome rem- Taint and Fainting Contractors mar Ml'.
I A. lull exp. lied, flliancl. '). Apt.
10. IXHi Hill bity, tasteless, pi oven reliable, accept blk. t. II. COMPANION, handle affairs.
Good male Seotty. boo blk. N. His. Lib, rew.
OX. iibstnutea Free send il sample. WASHINGTON KEsTHoMK. Trained Es ARENZ-WAKKEN CO. S121 W.
PICO. FE. 1178. or lolllriict. reader.
Honest, ciieeriui. mui. anc. mini SEHOSOL. 524 MIV CARPENTER, builoer.
timatc, nl. ins turrc nurses. Best of cooking. 24-hr, service. FL Ilium.
prep, meals. C.S. prcf. Box H-2o2, Time DOO, med. size chow, spaniel, "Boy, while Hew, HI.
il4H4. 1000 Lnngwnnd. nr. La Bn-a. WH.
tl.tSU. FINAL AUG. CLEARANCE, GENUINE WORK fit uolllall ma CAIU'ENTER JO II OK CONTRACT HOX TIMES elllelent. No tritlers COM PANI'IN. Oond driver.
MB in. WY. Painting, Decorating, Paperhanglng CONVALESCENT aged, best food DOt. lost, mo. Seotty male.
Cart hay 275 COCO SOUIKHEL COATS, $125 SMART J175 Caracul coats now Sl'l'KIN. WESTERN linen eve inir-o care. Simmons bed, front rm. EX I 4 5 2 Senii-inv alid RE. i enter, rewarn.
A fa, CARPENTER, ail aiour.i onctiaiiu, tor "Better Built" tnh. TW. eves COMPLETE; commercial and residential nurse. Perm. COM P.
aged. or prac. 15 iv painting eervt "rrora one room to a man LEAKS A I TO DRIVING CORRECTLY. IX Hi, t'l'cnch poodle, Harlow's I'nle, lb- male. Auk.
27 TW. OOKIl. CARPENTER iil uora. Keliabic. lu or COMPTOMETER 10 yi.
exn. Tempo BROTHER WIGNALL IS EMPHATIC, TOO But never a banner will go up again while we remain faithful to methods that are an insult to all Britons who have to live abroad. sion, HUly insured. hc. rets w.
Olson 12S $. Rum El 14Q1, OX Nt iniioe. epacloiiR oiiiel dist Beaut, grds. Care scnu-invaliils elderly, diet tray service, PA, rarv or liermanent. Ilzrnv 01.
S. New Hampshire. Fl, d'lld. A-l. Additions.
Cubiuela COOK. A housekeeper: neat, clean Good PAINTING. DECORATING, stucco paint DOO found, cream male Pom. 200 blk. Plymouth, Pay MA 2:145.
Sta ELDt.Ri.Y iiiiiet, sun potcli. Auto Pen, retiair. remodel, t-imc MA. 1 1 references. CE.
2)402 Ine, waterprooltug. paperhanriinr. free tnies, ir res. Muses care, -irler fl Watkuts. I 2:1742 siore lot, white male eullie, Lincoln Pk.
Rew, CA. colorei 25ofl' CARPENTER, expert on fronts, cabinet repair $5. REPORTS personal financial. GUARDIAN DETECTIVES. 202 Slack 4th Bdwv.
Ml' 54d2. YO. 1575. COOKS. Amer butlers, mauls, Advancement learuc CE LARGE itoo.d ill loicIT iiEsI' HOME.
k. PR. 1510 PAPKJUNG. PAINTING. TINTING, best attention.
U.S. prelened. HO. MflfiH. GLASSES folding! silver chain.
PER ROOM. WORK GUAR. TH. form blk. I.
A iniil.le 12. Times. CARPENTER i'msUt, Mr. Hrvan. Ml', 4''2 B- (Continued from Thirteenth page) Our exhibition at Berlin was one of hskoi'.
Two vr. It lelimond fiflVi COOK, 1st class nl.iee. to Hew. Hentlv W. LOVELY liont lsl 11.
ml i bath. Unit PAINTERS, 4 exiicrts nciil A. ALTO DRIVING SCHOOL to drive safely in traffic. 02o Alvarado. License isued.
Kl. 7041 EE. work, dav oi FT. S510 heat. Nurse care.
GLASSKs, black (infract. No reas. olfer re'11 CHAUFFEUR, butler, skuHui driver, 114 mean anything. It's Just a lot of iwhlch we should feel ashamed, and cac: pink tihcli Irame reward. PL.
MORN, HSWK MU. 245 lot Mon. mte. NURSE care. sinirle.
neat aotwarance. trustworthy fl oors lit; lit mental convalescent 1-t fl. VVY, PAINTING, REV. WM. loose talk.
it was made possible by the re Lovely yard. Best local lefercnifs. Any car. anywheic paperhamring. tinting, waved, Prices reas.
OL. tlAV work. Aoier while. Clean house, win L. GLADSTONE See my ad class, lort.
HAMIHAG, white, la or near apt. bide at -toi S. Kenrnore. Reward. TR, 2047.
cleaned Frend. tin. $aa up. eagle rock sanitarium dows, furn. 2.25 dav.
4 $1.40 Robertson praised the efficient nsirt wnntre. fusal of such as have written to PAINTING. Sniaving. It 4.1 MA 05HI CHAUFf*ck. JapaOcw.
careful, caPabl' for convalescent elderly. AL. 4040. ri-tians. lerui.
Son. Pit 1755 HOUSE. Klia.vcd: owner may havo by pay Fr--e est Vriuehn at RETAKDaR. 1 and 5oc. All ilmus'irls oi German track and field organlza honest.
10 yr. reis. Frank. TR nor charges, doling. j.
2452. adults pld. 5U rreeman Pmir 10 Sc Grand 1" 'ie Private St cooking, 4H02. Downstairs Willie, rets. NUK--LS hom*o, beaut.
bmh. Gifod fond A- lilru. diet. PAINTING, papering, fintinr Roofs re- rm. EX.
itaidcmr. housework, while, JIO, cape, brown lininir aold ctanu last iion ana inc supero lacinties as GIVE vour child a chance. Jdb-giin Kiduiee PR (B4d paired. Vvmk mar. Free et.
yl iiintorm Loc. ret. FE. BUI bse. cleaner, not the principal reasons why the Unit training is reas.
Call PI41I. ATi'KAC. aim aiij. bath. emne.
Auk. 23. possibly at Wilmiiiiilun Harbor. Lib. Rew.
Noilly Toplm GERMAN laundress. A-l ii of work. hr. PAINT, pupcrhanging. inlerior, exterior.
fare. WY 701 1 Garden '1L local it east CHAUF. white. 12 yrs. .1 meals.
Aged or conv, EE. 7' SAILING Sept. 4. Will tx ta States team had made Its best clean work, price. AD.
Jtsis. Hardinc, till! ftrnadwsy. Tit. Si'QB. Fl.
Q157 Oct jut. HE. I'- mos. Ret. exp.
A-l Kcls JOHNSON. gen. luwk. No cooking wk eeute coniniissinns. GIRL, fare CHARMING KING lout, yellow rold master nurse with rotneK.
initial. Home eves. Ref. ATI. Stll.1.
Ensii-h. thoroiislily CHAUFFEUR, butler. CALL GARTNER PAINT CO for A-T ptrs. St naner hatu-cr. TU.
ef prvt. home. C.S. ihowing in the Games since 1912. "Considering the competition, it prcf.
PA. K. "II. G. Jv.
"II. (i. 1.. Ueverlv Hi ALCOHOLISM red'ntials. Fl.
04x5 competent, excellent s. or iao "ALNAR" 2dav Fl UtllO EE 01 71 tor elderly pi. E. 25TH T. or West wood volt course, Auk.
5. Phone white. lone. nient 4lill iU up, healihlul PAI'ERHANGING. 25c roll.
Panning, nut 5 vrs. in bt-veily loc. elderly groiinil--. AL. conv.
4 42H. me to face facts. The Americans and the Germans, and the Japs and the Finns licked us hollow. What was worse, they made us look ridiculous. I will buy another flag for much more than a mark, and keep it flying, when we either retire from such occasions as the Olympic Games, or else go into them In a manner that will give us a chance of making a decent show.
W.llt. TK. 4S4I, Reward. Hills A- uniioi-m. exo LA.
Refs. firvt. home. K-c. 'as the best showing we have inr.
Evl''rt work guar. Iltt. 252,. UNCALLED 15. TOM lor t.olor-iuauc sun-, WILLIAMS.
105 W. II IB 7th St KINGS SOOO REWARD no (mentions ak eonipanion to elderly, etc. Age 38 Nice personality. Box H-2SI, Times. A al ever made," he said.
DECORATING painting. In A out. Latest $10 UP. Relineii llieted women. home for elderly HO.
local ref PLATES CH A FF El H. bodysr ard. Collcfc arntv man. J. eil, for the 2 rinjis Inst Bullocks Ileat-room Auir.
21. Topll Harding, 010 interior will! finishes Free est. OR. repaired while you Dr. H.
Ftnlcy, 404 wait, Hill. 1... HI. 7451. nnnlc.
voune It 7-yr. child, willing rc. Motherless home, Box J-25, Time; PAINTING Hrnailway. TR. fillOM.
red- CHAUFFEUR, while. papei hanging Si watrrpruubug r. A- is, HI LOVELY So. rm elderly Grail, nurse. 250 S.
Hobnrt Other officials returning with the party were Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft I of Princeton, vice-president of the convalescent FE HXH2. ,5. Absoiutely KO 7o4-! ork WHITE your letter of moral support to tie, nnlv.
Day Adveiitist Times, lull cha. Ref Box HSKPR. Cap. to anvwhere. liny ti-T-t.
Times, KING Diamond 4 saiipliire, wash nil 1)13 Hill. Sat. nite. 22nd. Lib.
rewanl Mrs, Holt. TR. 4402. Eves. PR.
Free tn travel. Mr. Fairlev. MI. Adull 1 aim ly 45 ti-KM Ueverlv.
new unturii. Wiishtre 5 Box H'lOO, Tunes plain cook. American Olympic Committee; gUSINESS SERVICES 63 HSKPR. Reliable preferred. Ref, 07, J.
115 Reliable. Honest, CHAUFFEUR, ape RING, KOld antique, i Larclimnnt Theater. dta's, 7i i. apphlre Hew. WH.
GENERAL PAINTING, CALSOM1NING Snrav or hrnh. Root, Rea, EX. tiooil loc. ref. of.
FREE! 100 PAGE HERB DOCTOR BOOK HSKPR. NURSE. CHILD or PATIENT (' Hill cae, dosr articles, lost Sunday niKlit. HERB Arcade A BARHEHE CO. del.
hoi rcadv to chow TI li -111. Chop Suey. VH. lake full chg. or by da.
Sio. nir. white. lii'ivuut PAPERING, paintjug, iinling. LoO per lo luhrlea; MaJ.
Patrick Walsh of New York, vice-president of the Amateur Ath-r letic Union, and Edwin Schaefer Of Buffalo, an assistant manager exp. Leopard Coach Hi-warn. ic-ior-mas. 744 mei'hanteal St Callable rm. Est.
free. cinr. oll. 7000 REPAIR 1142 AN CAR 2.5il I YL. LOS ANGELES ST.
MULT1GRAITIING- Helmed. Liwii" lull chaise. 1 oole, EX. -MIMEOGRAPHING 5.10 W. ft.
VA. H45.1. losi driiir store, Ver. CHINESE Filipino h. PAINTING, piipcih.iiigins-, A-l work guar WALLET.
Beverly. 3-lold. Lib. Ace Letter Shop. i.
Oriental Em Mlin. ME. tisn7 v. TR. Sta.
MSI. Plovtnent hi 'J CASH for inauioiuis. HSWK. Wuick jervice. Keas.
CA, 6HII3. wt'iry. told, silver 1 S. Hill. Til.
0201. of children by txp TU. 4174. or care woman. Sets Practice this.
vo liable ULT1G RAPH1 NG. aildreeiiig Letter Shop, lilil Lebanon. VA. CHOIR L. A.
part-time WATCH, man ycl. aolo WallU.iin, i bain Sun fnninionweilth, Rew. Kl. 4'V olhT ase 25, directorship hy timv. grad.
i me tracK nna field team. MASTERS KNOCKS work FI. 0205 congenial Tainting MUSIC arranged, songs, orchestrations. ook, good, rclined, home. TR.
3027, WRIST watch, lady's Elgin, it fountain HUMMEL. Km, fMl. So. Bdwv COATS KELINED. moth'Tlc; Ironing Alterations, W.
tub. Schaefer replied to Masters's crlt- PAINT1NO, paper. Inside or out pen, Helen Sample. Re-. VE.
HP47. INSTRUCTION 75 wanted by reliable Swedish pairing, remodeling. 242' STAMMERERS can learn Need work. Vaa Meter. PR.
45n something to E-20H. Times. 1 5c hour Sc fare. VA. 0052 WR LA VERNE, Aug.
28. fT-Coach Henry Lloyd will call his La Verne Hold. icisms by saying the Stanford erad their sdvantrire. Write Box COL. cooK el Loc.
CALL girl. hswk. by rill after p.m. d.iv. Clean mo, manaeer should have remained you Sd2 satin lined.
N. Manslp-ld. $25. GL. 4.PI7 fticirnt, WRIST watch Al rniB.
College football team together for mon Suede cents llillllk COL, yng. uian. kilcln ni in s. left EI. H242.
Ip. portei I Work service sta, Rcw a rd girl Housework, Exp. Room any work. Al calsouiiuniK. Call Fl, re Hsonnble, TURFMEN Rac, practice September 9, the first game No win.
110 Rm. 4oS, Info. W' II. PARTY who took purse. Irom 20311 So Imard.
Salary. VA, 0074, at home if he had believed condi tions would be so bad as his re marks Indicated. house. Loc. refi Sagittarius.
1 12 LEARN TELEVISION A'so Radio Service. Broadcast, Photo-Cells. Commercial Otieratms' Sound Picture Proiei'lion. Electricity, Prepare now for opportunities in 1 NATIONAL SCHOOLS 4Q0S So. ('Entiirv COL.
lioiiseboy oi Royalty A-enev. apt, RE. I'd Work. NO LADY with 2 small children to support Grand Thursday noon win seen leaving To avoid trouble return same. SANTA Momc Club number all blanches, FAIft OFFER REFUSED.
PA. S3 IS. swiuiining RE, 5111. s. RT.
Nn55 wanfs work hv hr. Home nil shin for COOK, ail ex, i Japanese ho has good character, good reference, in 'Hes just a knocker." Schaefer Lady 35. with son 14. Honegt, clean being with Pomona October 2. Lloyd, formerly of Santa Barbara State College, succeeds Garret Arbelbide, who goes to Arizona State Teachers College In Flagstaff.
ANDERSON svsl. accordions. Sjil. Free Missing Tersons Plastering nice aniilv, Box J-l Times. More for home thin wages.
Fl. 0017. laid. "No one ever served the H''W', 241'1's Bdwv. CK 117:1 Si lare.
Caring to HOUSEMAN, VALET for bachelor. iOING man it woman, REWARD for present address of James COOK, Part PLASTER, restueeo old walls, leakv show era. fireplace, tile reo. PL a05 LAUNDRESS. 2.5o children tides only, evcninrs A- Snndav Reas.
Best rets. Call time, Loc. ref. Pli. 540.
semi-invalid man. Box Times, Jv. Cooper, restaurant worker, driving nnlv. ML 4511 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS: Quallfv as Secretary. Accountant, Cashier.
Comntonieter or P1IX Opr. Next a "Job," linn sludv irallie Manadctncnt niKlits and double your income; we'll help you. V.icKAV COI.I.ECE. 012 S. F10t'KRO SAVE ON idle COOK, A-l it houseman, soo ref.
Keii Col. anywhere. CE TIKES! Keller values at ''5 Alisn St. CA. fil 51.
li.lo hevi niel Tudor, tray-green May have license 4NH250. Phone Pli 5551. WH. til 211. eveiinu-s.
Bryan s. riasto rrodurts EXI'. 7150. LAUNDRESS. EXC.
IRONER. worker. Best refs RO. I'IMKN tIAMSIHMl AlMtKTlsING KAILS Rates Per liua Der insertion eflertlve MUSIC. used sheet, operas bought, sold.
soon appeal ailco doorman. Will turn. trained, mo unitorm. RI. MAID, honesl.
we trained. Perm, place in REWARD for present address Enos Mick, exen. 4770. a ci "'-1 11., s. puny INSIST on Plascoat, Calsover, Plastover lor interior ext.
plastering. CA. 8181. Ist-class fam. rine nurse, cook, 2nd ONLY It steps to achievement.
See Ad maid. Pref. C.S. Best wages. Box H-60.
DRIVER, salesman, dry (leaning, retail Make any rt. pav. Bx 4s. Tunes metal worker, driving- '32 Stttdebaker roadster. '30 Cal.
license 3N.T707. Phone PR. 5551. WH, fll2(l, evenings. GOV'T positions throueh CIVIL SERVICE PREPARE FOR COMING EXAMS.
WESTERN COACHING INSTITUTE. S2I Chapman filh Bdwv. I 75. MaeKav'S. 012 S.
Flgllero, on all clansifleations except as noted below under "Exceptions." 1 Urn 65e Daily. Hoc Sttn.i consecutive times U7t Daily, 45c. Sun 4 to t) consecutive times itlc Times. Olympic cause by being so critical." Many of the athletes prepared to leave for their homes as soon possible after disembarking. Others planned to remain aboard the President Roosevelt until tomorrow.
It was not determined how many would accept the week's hospitality offered by the city and remain here until the rest of the Olympians arrive on the Manhattan Roofing and Roof Repairing QUALIFY as professional I'BX operator in DRIVING any kind. of man. reliable. REWARD lor pre nut address Dcnsmore MAID, plain coL Exp. Pri- two weeks, yitl .115 W.
5'h. RM. 1010 Will travel. Rets. PA -171k.
1 KOE Hostess it Ant. Mgnil. Coiiy- Yonmr 2S4oo. LOWEST PRICES I TW. S4S1.
cook, CE. va to pome. Daily .170 7 or more consecutive times 2c Daily. 35c Hil or more LEAKY roofs repaired by experts. No job K.
Wood, salesman, driving '35 Oldsmo-bile sedan, '3eJ Cat. license 8L1I044. Phone PR. 5551. WH.
ANY MAKE RADIO REPAIRED SI Parts exira. Ivan Green. KL 5040. riKmen poi tauiint eisewnera It Corre Taylor. 2711 W.
fl EX 1107 MAID. colored. ELECT, 20 yrs. exp. A.C.
Si D.C controls. X-ray repairs, hosp, bide, or fact. Box Times. Personal yr second AD, 7052. onsecutive times 2c Daily.
33c Sun too small. Hot asphalt. Esiab. 20 yrs Come ennipt. Guar.
TW. MKi anv time MOPTV WX REWARD lor present address Georse W. MATRON. Exper. 111 child siirei'visioii.
for EXECUTIVE. Gcntil Now empl. 4 vrs. COM PTOM ETK COURSE, $25. Terms.
Day Eve. Free placement. Webster Colleee, 405 Hill. Ml, 7S51 EXCEPTIONS: rales for Koome. Koom Hoard, Housekeeping- Rooms.
Hotel Rooms Buiidius Trades tactual JJEAUTY SUGGESTIONS 18 SPECIALIZE ON LEAKY ROOKS Complete service on new roof. Free est. guar. Call anytime. PL.
6022. Not afraid hard work. Box Dillon, blacksmith, driving 30 Chevrolet coupe. Calif, license IQ3012. I'll 5551.
WH, HI 2H P.m. pres. Time merly Slate school, trustworthy, educated, local ref. Wishes lucrative work. Mack RE.
fsfilld. Wisconsin St. Swaps, slightly lower than the above may Flovd FILIPINO, exp. hutier. hsemuii LASTIC Hi own.
surgeon. Haas B'ds and facial 111! CLINICAL Laboratory. X-Kav A Finnic-therapy. Classes open Sept. 1st.
L. A. Colleee, 7 st DR. 1.1-111 NURSE Will nurse who witnessed auto-st. MOTHERS helper (while,) be had on application.
SITUATIONS WANTED KATES. 7 oi cook, gardener, able painter, carpenter Stucco Waterproofing to help college Kl. 275. erjiic. pref.
near U.C.L.A. car aeon lent last Christmas a.m. at noun-tain ft Vermont call TR. (1273? mainten.aiice. Ref.
Bnx 11-41. HOT OIL EGG SHAMPOO, 5nc. 527 1 st TU 1H4II spare tune jobs wlnlo Icarn- ACME WATERPROOFING reas. trms. ROOM wan l-d.
waiter, boarding Exeh, care cblldre Bov J-pit. Times more consecutive times 15o Daily, Itk 4 to a consecutive times 17e Daily 20c 1 time 23c Daily. 28c Sun. Fi. liVl.
Gieiidate. Douglas iUU iiifcr meaei. ree lectures on Diesel Indus-trv Thursday, p.m. S07 S. El 1 1 wit, piano lessons FRECKLE CREAM.
At a DEAN'S TAN FILIPINO, exi. hole house, commissary cellent rets, HE. 2 livery toy. tx 10 drug slnres Sc beauty shops. 50c.
Guar. pERSONALS SEA STRESS 1st class or per. maid, shop Minimum advertisem*nt accepted lines TIMES OFFICES Sua We.i irirat iMi TiHng nome roi. net. aii $1.25.
MA. 4545. EASY to set Oi Perm INSTRUCTOR of mathematics science in lny boardinif school. Bo J-124, Times, TELEPHONE MAdisnn 345. Women's, M5 SECY honest, exp.
chauf pi. cook. $50. Kels. MA.
oll7, Km. S. S. Hill. Km.
401 Thrifty Hard work and long Box Times. author, obstable, Times Branch Offloen im, n.iu hrs. TILE SINKS AND BATHS. LOW PRICES FUEL ESTIMATES. TH.
1054 BOOKS WANTED 1 NEED BOOKS HIGHEST cash prices. Buver calls Promptly, Abbey Hook Shop, Til. 8553. HOSTESS TRAINING. Correct English.
Wil, Colleee, :1142 Wilshire. FE. 5012. below. lf your eommunitv is not included Reducing SEC sleeo.
bkpr. yrs. exp. Kelercnv FILIPINOS (brothers, cook. chauff.
gardener. Ref. F--x J-l. Times. in this list consult Tour telephone HAVE r'lient with exceptional Mausoleum NO ipm2 Tile Contractor Tile Repairing Eve.
S5I P.B.X. $0. Free iilacciiu ut. Dav St Webster rnllege, 405 H. Hill, Ml.
REDUCE, special course for bus, girls. TOWN PHi-ivr SEC P.B.X., GARDENER, Japanese, wants work dav young. 0 loc, EX. (1400. development proposition.
Honolulu, exclusive territory. Call Gilliert Stanley Under-wood Co 4 OS So Snrinir MP RHOS ALU AMUR A cxti. I nil, ediicatlnu. contract or mouth, Exoert on lawn Gym. $5 nio.
1 0.10 Loew a Mate Henrv Nier Super System. DR AIN BOARDS, Work guar. bathrooms, Open eve. tubs incased. TW.
11U7. STENOGRAPHERS. Dillon 2d xrs. reporter private teacher No tilling. Wilcox Hide.
5 orth Third street ann nowers. ititui, is. OL. 4427. REAL EST.
ft LUMBER SM7H. SLENDERIZE quickly, AAil r.u-n (iAKDENER, handy mail, careful driver, Vacu 4U01 safely. N. Ivar, HE. exp.
yrs. one oitlce, ACCOUNTANCY Home smdv. easv terms Ln Unirersi'v. rl-IO S. Ficueroa.
HEIRS Do vott need funds while waiting estate settlement? Heirs Adfustment Serv 037 S. Spaulding Rm. 10J. YO. 3715.
11U South Ohio street 41.n um Cup Meth. 1727 Woodstone ST OG RAPHE R-SEC VARIED young man. iw, nusKy, local exp, st rets. MU. OSPO.
Apt. 201, ARCADIA REF. DR. HOd. APT.
31B. Meets req. 6 East Pttntlncton Drive S294 HIiVH school ditiloina in 2 524 S. Spring, Rm. 200.
tubs enclosed, showers. yrs. Ml', 19 BATHS, floors, draiuboards St Beauty Schools 54 15. GARDENER, flay, week It yrs, evp. or month.
wishes work by TH. 4.12S. stairwavs. WH. ARTHUR G.
KENNEDY, Optometrist. 30 yrs. dependable optical service. 13 yrs. Owl Drug.
6 Broadway, bnl. berlnner. unable, wants employ' Khinger. TR. 0417.
Kenuell BURBA NK SCHOOL. MS5o. BEST TRAINING COSTS iO MORE. uoy GARDENER E'xisrienccd. hotiiMewoiK.
Bnx J-2 Japanese Times. OME SERVICES 89 POLYTECHNIC FINEST EQUIPPED attrac. fast, accur. Box 043 Country Cluh rislv iim Ti mes. f-217.
HAD10 INSTITUTE- OF 1117 VENICE BLVD CALIFORNIA DR 0525 LOAN'S on diamonds, jewelry, silver, furt. MARK WELL A OX 707 In Hill 5th fl-or. Tn. 0201. COVINA BEAUT SCHOOL.
4:1 S. HKOAUWAY VA. ALL 2ND FLOORS by GARDENER, Scotch, ri week or month. NO wants woik i'-ik 222 North Citrus young, capable, fast, accurate. Speed 120.
Kefs. AD. 8474, Feather Works, mattresses and ACME feat hi LL BA 1 i Lh. Creek nurse, graduate, will give COMPTOMETRY. P.B.X.
it TYP. Hurts Educational Service, Ooo SHAMPOO St Finiierwave Special So. Dellnrs. So Brdwev. TH.
5577 Mo. $20 S. Hill. pillows renovated. OH.
4401. .134 Hroekway street KQft GARDENER, Danish. H. 15 yrs. exp.
all branches. Part time or ccntr. HI. 4012. next Thursday.
A big civic welcome, Including A parade up Broadway with ticker tape and all the trimmings and a reception at the Randall's Island Stadium when medals will be presented to all the Olympians, Is planned for next week. A large number of the point winners in track and flald are coming on the Manhattan. MOST COMING HOME The Olympians were bombarded with offers and requests to remain New York, but most decided to return to their homes almost at nee. to prepare for their return to school or business. Among those remaining, however, was the women's track and field team, which decided to stay here at least until September 3, when I ft celebration for the entire team t.
is planned. The women's team plans to participate in a meet in Toronto on September 5 to 7, and afterwards Helen Stephens, the Olvmplc sprint champion, and Dee Bocck-' mann, the women's coach, Intend to visit Washington on September 12. r-: A total of 239 were in the party which returned aboard the Presl- lent Roosevelt today, of whom 198 were athletes. bit personality. pii.vsio-therapv.
Your borne. Doctors ref erem-es. AN. 18(145. APPLIANCES.
lamps, china, klass repairs. CO.M1TOMETRV SECRETARIAL -Si Eve. Lloyd's, Brdwav. MO PARAMOUNT Collene of Beaulv Culture Best trainmr nvailnhle 7,10 Brdwv Day 4705 L.A.. or near.
Box X2. Olendcra. guar. Reus. 143 South Grand 4H.VI.
by GARDENER, position month. N. Nelson. Prior" EX 1 1 2 PIST-Clerk. Spclflcalioiis.
etc GARDEN A fTUVAlE collection old books lor sale. CABINETS, desks, fixtures. etc, CE. ill 1 1 21-1S3, OPERATORS ing 14 yrs. Home or ofllee.
Exc. exp. FE. 7107. 101 1 Went 181st ttreot MAK1NELLO School.
040 Btoadwav Famous tin ouirhnnt the world TAUGHT SEWING DESIGN at 224 S. Spring. Rrn. 524 8131 mushed, painted. GARDENER, priv.
Lib- lime txu. Cheap 1000 at 5c. 201 W. 7 st. Old Se curity Bank, cor.
7th ft Spring GLF.NDALE CEILINGS. horticulture. FT. 122'V Rm. 220.
WOMAN, colloiio trained, mar. -housekeeper UCALlrY as pi'o icssiona 1 PUX made modern, washable, 5070 for representative 10( North Maryland ireot 1402 Doug. uperalor Rm. 1010 WH companion, tutoring, ftu. 7P.1.I.
very reas. lath 5th two weeks, yio, HAWTHORNE exit. DRIVING years in L.A. reas. INSTRUCTION ttHOO successful pupils, Phone PA.
5171. lawns, etc Lie, es) (ii, JRAVEL, Transportation Ret. 25 yrs. WOMAN wishes gen, housework cook 343 North Ssnsal INVESTIGATE Diesel opportunities I Hemp- CLEAN HOUSE IN HHS. 2 men.
Electric polisher free, Overstuffed carpets cleaned on floor. Refs. CE. 2MN4.V dinner. Half or full time.
AD. RtlOO. HE KM OS A REACH 573 6185 mil oiesn scnoois. kisi-c San Fernando GENTLEMAN. 32.
uoiv. exp, bus. 1 27 Bus Line Travel WOMAN, manage hi-elass court. Will A.A.H. LIQUOR HABIT HOME treatment.
Ill tea or coffee. Harmless. Any Owl Dntlr Store. finance It ofllee, uo. as ace'v.
East I- loc. ref. Travel. OR "P'4. eve LAGUNA REACH CLEANING Specialist House, windows, SHORTHAND TYPING 910 MONTH Wehstcr College, 405 S.
Hid. MI. pav part rent, Ref. 0..5 N. I'lymouth.
booth Coast Rlvri 77 floors walls. Flee, polisher. RO 0 4 2 1 GUARD. A-l LONG BEACH carctakei Bond. H.
E-t. Bllllr- drive. War 0121. a laundress, fine ironer, housecleaner. M.
work only Good worker. RO. SS71 officer. EFFECTIVE FOW SLASHED AGAIN! SPANISH bv at LOYO'S. WE pay $1 EACH for news dippings No experience needed.
Send stamp for CLEAN windows, wdwoik, lloois. shell. ok- MU. natives, new S. Bdwy.
tills A 1M I.octltl street FARES waxed. Dependable, Ref. MA. MONROVIA Instructions. Hm.
1541 N. Western 61006 113 EX-teachcr, managing hskpr. or care child HI-SCHOOL bov. Good driver. Do nnvtbinr.
Live horc, MU, CLEANING it Dyeing, All suits hand oft South Mvrt slsent EARN ran run time, not ti-ns. nines. TUITION. Secretarial, Aceounliiit', Universltv of the West. 40't blocked.
Dresses hand finished. GL. fiTHO. OCEAN PARK DEAF DeForesl Earphone World's best. Save to Terms.
-Receptionist wants ioh HOUSEWORK, janitor, port. or dish- 104 i'ler avenue PBX Training 011 live boiiids. tree place- CLEAN, polish. like MACKAY COLLEGE. VAndike wastier.
handy man. AP 40:1 fl rctlmsh flours HO. 1.150. wax, Rm. OCEANS1HR Km.
1302. jjay. eve. i'ia new. 35 to 75' KNITTING YARNS.
tall. Latest shades. WHOLESALE it re-50 Broadway Arcade A-l COOK ar hskpr. Lil. grad.
JANTTOR. col. 428 South Dltmar street Nurse, neat, FE. 4144. JllSl Oil hflj J(J Ref.
CE 21554. CLEAN. Everything about your home $,5 month. Best local refs. vrs.
in tlieatei ONTARIO Air Conditioning windows, etc. Lawns, yards. CA. 1171 "OUR local combinations." postpaid Leila Ponnnck. 78 Mareneo, Pendens 10 West A street 61-771 150-J 115-W S86-M Colo.
14S1 JANITOR, houseman, hotti, apt, exp. All repairs. Tiff. RL 20" CLEANING It Dyeing, all garmeiils insur- ORANGE DRESSMAKERS, Milliners 103 AIR conditioning refrigeration tautrht by machine practice. MO.
17330. od. free call Ai delivery service. GL. 0700.
North Cambridca street MASON SERVICE Store. TW. 1232. Cash registered rep. furnished.
JAPANESE student. VE. PASADENA Pn 1. family, ref. PM.
tfori. cleaning ucneial housework i ay 7:30 A.M.. South Haymond rnna. hr. Ar enr fare.
Phone MA. CURTAINS It draperies msde reasonable POMONA Secretarial Schools JAPANESE HoLSEUOY Good exp. refs. MA. 4flS Other Fsrea tn Proportion SAME FIRST CLASS SERVICE Fast schedules, lucxpensive meal.
COLLINSON WELDING SEKVICE. Purtaoir KEEI.EY Institute. Home tnbacco treat' nient. Booklet. 2400 Plen.
FX 5152 LEA RN ACCOUNTANCY Home STUDY Las.ille University. HtO S. Work guaranteed. References. TH.
DRESSMAKER, exp. col. Coats, suits, etc. 51 We.t Th rd street electric nomc serv. COMPTON REULAND9 659 Main 68 SECRETARIAL, Cashiering.
P.B.X filinir. machine miikei Dave p.n. A-l remnd, Shoi or home. AO. K440.
or Box 2' 5. i house man Roscoe. Cal. 211 West trns street DISH tent! towels hv piece Pliimmer, 7IS bv dozen. Also S.
San pedrr. nav-Mghts r.arn while learning. MACKAY COLLEGE. U13 8. F1GUEHOA HOME i Address school for Suite 518.
INDIVIDUAL. Dresses guar. 4502 coats, blouses, re-1st, cor. Western. sub-normal children 5225 Wilshlre Blvd MAN, art A interior deciraiion experienced, 134 toiith Pacine Hunting Horde Gun for Deer DOMESTIC oriental rug cleaning-.
YOUR like to work in floral shoo. Box H-44, Times. RIVERSIDE CLE BROOM Day St mte RIGS ARE INSURED. Til. 014.1.
siipjilies St eonui. utile. Dancln? and Danrin? Instruction 78 dlihl Main street Phone TI'. 104 MAN. married, wants sal NTw Also by dosen.
CURSES SAN BERNARDINO DUST cloths, by tents. Pliimmer. piece 01 74S So. San Pedro. empl.
$35 wit, comm. Fcx. H-27S Times DEBTS COLLECTED or no charge. Nation-nl Credit An 112 W. fith.
VA. 57(11. 448 street SAN DIEGO MECH. A-l, tools, car it truck. Call with 142' NURSE, trained in Germany.
Child Box Times. 1032 Tenth avenue Owen. VA, NICK HARRIS Collectors Collect everywhere. 411 7th. VA Beginners Call DR.
0029 This ad A 50e will give you one 14 hr. priv. lesson will acquaint volt with our methods. New Swing Rhythm. W1I.SHIHE ACADEMY.
EI.Ec'TRIC reiianing 011 all electric appliances, motor rewinding. TU. 2744. SANTA ANA 6764 63 9316 Franklin 1406 Pac 445-K 7700 22139 iGfl-W KIND. MILLINERY, floor man.
popular ur la Kim; turn. CHOW MEINi, Chop Suey, A 113 West Third street NURSE. 110.1 SPECIAL care neuruia 0 -fl p.m. RT leivs 11 st. O.VT-A 1 Tl 1 I Iresscs.
Box I0. T'ns, overs del, all parts city PR 2U04. NATIONAL TRAILWAYS OFFEH Low Fares East 2 GREAT BUS SYSTEMS Burlington Santa Fe TIIATLWAYS riFPOT 11 West Ananamn street FLOORS cleaned, to 75e room. Rcfinish. polished JI.V HO.
SANTA MONICA FLORENCE AWNING CO. FLOtlR reliiushing. best wk 10 Santa Monica Rlvri. guar. PAINTING 1 10 Box IMH.
Time VAN NUYS COMPLETE printed driving course, postpd $1, Safeway School, 1 So. Flgueroa ING One ot III" nnest in America. 12 one-hour lessons $2 Practice tree, Ladv gent, teacher. Private lessons. lHh St Hill, over Belnsen's.
12 tn 12 ii it out. pay-iug. eslab. F. Ahrcns.
CE. 24340. NURSE, cool, restful Los Felti home. Best food and esre. Aiilo rides.
OL. 120Q yrs. Reas. 14227 ttndfe street GEN. TRUCKING LA NDSCAPE WORK.
taught to foreuuera bv SANDWICH acci-ei A counter WEST LOS ANGELES ENGLISH ited Cal. AD. fry Box man, ref. co*ck. NURSE LIGHT CASES xy-t-PfTis SPECIALIST.
OL. 517d. ll TRIV. lessons by 2 youiiit ladles G3S S. MAIN.
TR. 3403 man. A-l high school MO 144M Tim. 11317 Santa Monica Blvd. A 82335 Je in it Yvnnm 107 Vermont.
FX IM5 FRINGING-Domestic A WHITT1EH Sci'ging Binding Laving oriental rug cle. TR 0 1 4 .1 STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG MAN. FAST! LADY desires market, pat. financial aid A advice on article.
Box H-20O Times ION Comstoclc 427-575 PRIVATE lesson 75c BEST STUDIO. conscientious. ,01 H. A I I A I LOCAL RFts Xf A n.tM. QUALIFIED practical nurse.
refilled. Best refs. MO. If Ail American Bus Lines 627 W. 7.
Too nr. Brack-Shnns. TU 6710 HOME REPAIRS, Reasonable. MODERNIZING TR. 0501.
Nine hundred deer hunters in one trea on one day was believed yesterday by Charles Bauder, Inspector of the State Fish and Game Commission, to be a Southern Cali- fornia record. Inspector Bauder said that reports of Wardens Ray O'Connor and George Johnson were to the effect that the throng of hunters combed the slopes of Mt. Thomas, In Riverside county, on the opening dav of the deer season. The sportsmen checked 104 deer through the Hcmet station of the division on the opening day. Twcn- ty-five deer were checked on Au- gUSt 17.
I (expert! assist, to exeeniiie. 3.1. luilll UiU'ULARS lixll. SI reas. 15:12 W.
Olvmnlr All tointiiig FE. 10.17. NURSE ALL CASES. 0052. married, ph.
Bnrbank 2 W. co). LOST AND FOUND Music, Dramatic Piano Inst. 79 INTERIOR vour hnine. WILL PAY $8 SCHK Si exterior lilastertug Fnr CA.
Hlol, K.T.EC. SHAVER, FREE MEALS Pallas $20, St Louis $25 Chtcaro 27 lietroit Pitts MS 50. Portland Seattle $14.60. one meal YOUNG certified public aorountant, munic TtoT SINCE TlFf, 10. fiX.
Chienro. Vo ASSOCIATE glass I OX. Lojy or man. It appliance invest- roiall Times SOIM W. I'lei irotected.
Bov NUlfSE anv ease. kind. 1200 1 1 111 St Rm ln.ird floor. No phone. Hrs.
10 7 Main Depot. 629 S. Main Depot, Piano leaeher. Iiidividiml ipal nonu dealer, in Misaness in Texas, derires connection with reputable LA.
concern, salary or commission. Salarv f50(): if commission must afford opportunity of niaklnr $S00 nt monthly Can manage sales or department. For interview please. Times. our home or my studio, E.
0401. WOMEN leldel'ivl assist 111 publicity dept. .155 Chamber of t'ommeree BuildltiL-. MATTUKssKS RENOVATED 1.50 New cover extra. 1-day serv.
Call Ar del, Bf. fer Rest M-ittrcss Cn. Ml'. OOltl 0351 Infants nurse, entire best local references. ho.
Reservations rati MD 4710. TK. cqat TO COAST. SELLING medical 825 book, What lots! What 7. fiTio, Barker Bros.
MATTRESSES feather Pillows renv. invalid lady 85 THEATRICAL PR ACT, child, d.ajs or part. EX. felled, XI APE OVER. OR.
'4101. IOI NG sliident. here lrm out of town I'otuh caiiienler worh Box '-'OH, Times. PRACTICAL nurse lor invalid or vuuvalcs Citv references. Ttf 4035 OD1I Job niians.
week-ends Reas. TO LOSERS In addltlot to broadesstlnt Lost and round advcrvisem*nls over KHJ a complete record is filed In The Tunes "Losl and Kound Department. Throusrta en oneratiou and rxchamie of records with the "Lost and Found Bureau" of the I Annies Police Department, Transnorla tion Companies and Department Stores The Times frequently aids id the recovery articles manv weeks after they are lost. TO FINDERS If von have found a lost article or oei and wish to locate the owner, telephout Aditon 2345. Miss Elliott of The Times "Lost and Found DcmAiment She will ehek her tiles and record of thlnv lot TO UNPUBLISHED AUTHORS.
Nationally wishes to earn room A board. Dishes, housework. Call Mr. CE. "until OLD look liku new YOUNG man.
w.irlt Fores Drastically. San Francisco Reduced flo as reiirished lo Box N-Ulo Times rill. 1st floor. Nor care FX LOVELY so. nrvt home.
20, wanls Sr hnp, 1 cor. Re.t Willi W. 11 known writer can give commercial value tn vour MSS if adaptable lo screen, radio or stage. This assistance only case of talent, OR. tiiltltl, Ren larv.
reiiatd" PI ORIENTAL St Domestic runs aued, MALE nm re specialle it II hollo. 1. In travel. VI. 101 NG man, 22, ueil, cultured.
Anv kind of win-It. Bqt 5 Times, paiien, Hlnesrr. Til. 47.10. cases, rre GIRLS Interested ill Film Dance career.
PIANO tuning repairs by e.l)e,l. Youl 'Koveoiess, yrs, last poa. Taylor lOUM. man. callable.
Maurice Rosloff. fSOO Wilshire CH 75:10 steady work, fnrrcsnondinelv low farea 5TH LOS ANtiEI.ES no? up. FHISt: to all points TR VITftno home or mine. PL. 02 10.
Ira i rung trad. Pox Times KVery day Ir the year a multitude nl people consult the classified columns of the Los Angeles Times. They are "live" prospects, actively searching for all manner of goods and st vices. This great audience ol readers, drawn from all walks 01 life, la what makes th-classified service of the Lot Angeles Times outstanding and different. small rnv.
Ref, TU. WANT licensed motion po-iine animal sensation. RT. S70.I. as 1.
I have KPt't POLISH, clean, wax. rslnii.h liki floors nurse. Free lo lrael. POU'l'LAND. $1.1 75 SEATTLE 15 75 CALIF R.N..
mile Kenwood 5TI7. YOUNG man wants wor oi any kind. Col- Qse.l ftef O-CO MEET THE PREXY DAYTON (O.) Aug. 28. (JD R.
M. Jenkins of Orleans, was elected president of the Amateur Trapshootlng Association for the coming year at a director's meeting held here last night. Sam Shar-Tnan of Salt Lake City, the incumbent, refused to seek re-election. new. Reus Ciiinr.
HO. 1M5Q. AI'TO robe, red olaid. lost, Dill I.AK Line, I N'DFI'ENDENT Sias'es DEPOT 218 7TH ST TU. 3344 Gilntore I'N, 5if II HEFl.Nls floors.
di'im. Thnrs. p.m. Rewanl. l' an.
A polish or rheiimaln Aid. wax Ho. ti.ii alviio Olvmnie. 86 NLKSE. rases.
1.101 W. MEETINGS Reas. A WNTED lo represent or joblier in So Calif, on cvuo. basis. Have en-ai fo'liuving.
Rex liko new, Ucas Transportation Wanted for Services PRAC. kind, go' lodicook Ex. 'I2 fool 8 Time. REf INlSllING old Hot N-l-'tO driver Refs 5 UP SOCIALS for strangers, get scuialnted BAG. blk.
Gladstone, men's, women's clothes. Calalma Term'l, Wilminirlon, Anir. 23. R'w. Return intact, I.
Bacon. Bin E. Phnnrj j1; 't cat will do Art SOI. Box DETROIT or vie man drive iili Repairing ALL around man, eieii'e. anything MI, 410J1.
Tl-isil. Times it rewinding all inns motois dances. Cards, pi-ixes. Sat. Tl'illrom S.
B-d-aeiv. 1 12. EFFICIENT PRACTICAL KEADV yriH a vrir if C-t; FT I. miehin's. PR.