The Frankfort News from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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Frankfort, Kentucky

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NEWS TODAY AND A SQUARE DEAL OR EVERYBODY 1 A T5 usT Dram THE RANKORT NEWS SWORN CIRCULATION ARREST AT STATE CAPITAL 4 Vol III No 62 RANKORT KENTUCKY MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2 1910 SINGLE COPY 2c PER YEAR $300 NEW DIPLOMATS PRISON DOORS CLOSE STRIKE SEEMS ID BE CERTAIN TO BE: NAMED ormer Weil Banker in tell Kentuckian Bets Importani Place 1 White Chief Justice ft f5 WMYDffiO ITY TEARS IN MURDER I Swift fyasshaved off his MORE TOBACCO ALL SAVED AMMANY HALL WAREHOUSES ROM WRECK INLAMES today a trip TO made re A tj If iU went floor and rard county to preside at a special term of that court which has been keys and possibly which he gave to NOTICE SUBSCRIBERS of the scene of the murder night the crime was com The former witnesses had seeing to seeing a woman MAIN STREET MERCHANT STIR RED UP MATTER IN LETTER TO RANKORT NEWS Mn Old and RANKORT MAN CUTS BEARD ATER LONG 1 GROWTH ORMER i 12 Three (the wreck irv fr js wsSs He was shaved had his hair cut given National News Service Chicago Dec 12 The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers announced today that 97 per cent of the engi neers on sixty Western railroads have voted to strike unless their wages are increased The ultimatumwill be is sued 40 ties The law provides that a certain number of Republicans and a certain number of Democraits shall compose the Commission and the present va cancy had' to be filled with a Demo crat hence Mr McChord was en dorsed by many of the leading Repub licans of Kentucky as he is known to have a wide knowledge of railroad work and railroad rates 'Mr McChord along with the' la mented Governor Goebel was one of the pioneers in proposing legislation The eight months old child of and Mrs Vernon Mitchel of the Crow neighborhood died Sunday was burled Monday afternoon in the family burying ground near their home JU our prominent men wfiotnay're ceive diplomatic appointments Aoove is Senator Beveridge 'of Indiana be low from left to right ormer Vice President airbanks of Indiana' Sen ator Lodge of 'Massachusetts and Huntingtort Wilson Asst Secretary of State A general shakeup of the dip lomatic service is said to be schedul ed by President Taft for eb 1st It is stated that the President will leave practically all the diplomatic selections to Secretary Knox and hi department advisers 1 The report that Senator Lodge is morning in charge of Deputy Sheriff Robert Kaltenbacher He was dress ed nicely but modestly wearing a wellc Atting dark overcoat which he was required to take off the oilice of the penitentiary before he went inside the walls fe'' He walked to the prison with al 1M CT AMRi in iLniTiLUh: DEATH INANT MPORTANT TESTIMONY WASBROUGHT OUT IN TRIAL' HATTIE LEBLANC James Johnson of Evansville Ind and Miss Lacie5 Alexander of this city were Saturday after noon and will make their home in Evansville i if CHICAGO LIVESTOCK LETTERS ROM GOVERNORS into the prison tenbacher from the train in ah easy unconcerned way but he was evident ly laboring under the effort to appear calm On the yay from the station to the penitentiary office he conversed in a low tone with Kaltenbacher and took something out of his pocket sup posed to be a knife some other trinket the deputy' sheriff When they went office Deputy Warden Thomas took the commitment papers and Clerk Add ams wrote out Ithe necessary statement on a typewriter just as is done with any other prisoner When asked to state his age Ropke said he was forty one and in answer to the question as whether he had any money he said he had not He went through his pockets and pulled out a spectacle i case which he held up He was told he would be allowed to keep if Darviitv Thntma thzin minted as'to punishment for at I Wthan other places on that The Tobacco Warehouse Lthe Geary Warehouse and the Burley jj Society Warehouse are already in op fi and doing a good business and Jfc Braswell Levy the new flrm from1 North Carolina will begin operations month if suitable warehouse ar il Tangements can be iftadet by that time With tobacco from the sections of Woodford 'Anderson Shelby i and 'V Owen that are nearest to rankfort POLICE MAKE ARRESTS IN CON ECTION WITH CH ICAGO STRIKE' The wide discussion of the question of cleaning the snow off the sidewalks which has been going on for the past few days and which will be taken up by the City Council jMonday night was due to the communication of John Mastin the Main street Nner car out 1 i LOCOMOTIVES ENGINEERS WILL QUIT UNLESS WAGES ARE ADVANCED? Myer of Wisconsin law took its name from him and has I since been known as the first After his service in the Sen ate was elected Railroad Commis sioner for two terms and gained a national reputation as the exponent of the rights concerning the railroads i Mr McChord has a great number1 of fnends rankfort and they will be pleased that he has been appoint ed to so responsible a position How Discussion of Snow Cleaning Began Increasing Cloudiness follow ed by snow tonight or Tuesday Wlarmer Tuesday hlsnnntinnances must ported at the office Otherwise The News will enforce the col lection 227 229 Phones The appointment of Charles Mc Chord to be a member of the Inter Btate Commerce Commission bj' should be gnd not to' pay All complaints made at the office carriers' Do not Tiers as this paper sends 5 regular collectors RESCUING STEAMERS REACH ILL ATED OLYMPIC SEA ISLAND IRE i AND SPREADS TO OLYMPIC theater Lawrenceburg Higti 'Sciioo Building Burns EARS ENTERTAINED THAT IONE OR TWO CHILDREN MAY 5 1 HAVE DIED if Special to the News Hodgenville Ky Dec 12 Deputy United States Marshal A Belcher has just arrived here from through Larue Green and Taylor counties In search of moonshine stills and says he found (that the country he visitied was free of such' illicit dis tilleries at this time and' no arrests were Samuel beard breaking a vow of fifty landing This is the nerw that comes from Boston A great many of the older residents of rankfortvill remember Samuel Swift who vas chief of the rankfort fire de partment something over forty years ago but left here and went to Con necticut or Massachusetts aoiit 1877 He was an engineer on a locomotive on the old Louisville land 'Lexington Railway and after his train had run over and killed two or three people he resigned and said the would never rona locomotive again He was elected chief of the fire department STARTS ROM CIGARETTE here abOUt 1867 or 1868 ran the new nre engine caned the New Era and later the one called Hope No 1 Hie was the only paid man on the firedepartment at that time the other firemen being all volunteers (Swift Was absent the night of the big fire that burned thejbig whisky warehouse President Taft iU be endorsed by 12 President Kentuckians of both political par I National News Service Indlanaprolls Dec This is the coldest day of the winter fright A above zero at eight at MOore head Minn reported sixteen below f' 1 rt I 1 1 Two more Governors Gov Cruce of Oklahoma and Gov Mann Virginia have written to Gov Will 1 Bon expressing appreciation of the courtesies showed them while in rankfort and Louisville during thq Governors conference Each said that Kentucky had fully sustained its reputation for hospitality and each was much pleased with the trip t4 this state rf I 7 i Ax National News Service New York Dec 12 Tammany Hall and the Olympic Theater were dam cicarl In 1nx 4JAAAA 1 tvr mux? U1UVIU1L VL 'Uj I early morning fire which started in Of Janres Saffell where the Tammany Hall probably from a cigar ette carelessly thrown away during a Sunday night dance 7 PROCTOR HALL 1 National News Service Valdez Alaska Dec rescuing vessels reached ed steamship Olympia oft Sea Island this forenoon and began taking off her passengers and crew numbering 100 persons The Olympia was wrecked during a furious storm Sunday morning and it had been feared all were Jpst until the wire less brought the above report 1 NO MORE STILLS Gov Willson had considerable de mand for special judges during the last few days and today named four to take the place? of Tegular judges' Judge Allie Young Morehead goes to Estill county Judge Gor don' of Mladisonville has been sent to Pulaski countv Tudee Han i go to Bell and he managed by hard work jq save county anrd Judge ryer Gan Tne oia wooaen 'Driage irom burning Swift always wore a long beard and a message from Boston Monday morn? called by Judge Lewis Walker Yrr onnM nAAd 4 lvni Vnrl 15 uuu iiv iiaLL XLTpyL for 'fifty years to shave but had now cut off his beard He came back to rankfort several years ago on a visit and was still wearing his longwhite beard at that time' a A INSPECTORS M' Additional livestock inspector? have 'been named in two counties In Nicholas county Alfred Murray was appointed In' Powell county Stone of Stanton will act in that! capacity S'1 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chicago Dec Hogs 42000: National News Service Cambridge ftass Dec 12 A big sensation was sprung the trial of Hattie Leblanc charged with murder ng1 Chas Glover in his laundry on November 20 1909 Nellie Walsh a servant in the home of Judge Bond magistrate presiding at the trial tes tified she saw Mrs Lillian Glover widow of the murdered man in the vicinity on the mitted testified in the alley behind the laundry who was not Miss Leblanc but Miss Walsh was the first to claim she rec ognized Mrs Glover SPECIAL JUDGES NAMED a light airy and fairly com cell with Curt Jett on one Bide of him and Beach Hangis a closeneighbor August Ropke once wealthy (nd holding a responsible position with a big trust company ins Louisville now has begun service of the long sentence imposed upon him by the Jefferson Circuit Court Ropke has been given one of the best cells in the prison On the ground floor It was occupied until recently Judge Booe former claim clerk in the Audi office Booe has moved but is still on the same tier of cells with Ropke Henry Youtsey Jett and Hargis alli have 1 cells along that tier and Ropke is in the company of the most noted menr in the prison The cell is in the new house and opens on a wide walk with plenty of windows to adm it light and air opening on it 1 At A ff QT hie arittl'ISfilrYTl trl TYKknn lu UdDUtV wro a aiiron fnr A ISIIIT hlllA Him Idle law i cldthes such as all the second grade tempting to escape and also mention convicts wear and was given a grayed the indeterminate sentence law cap If he is good for sixty days he which would entitle him to parol if will be given a blue cap which will he obeyed the rules of the prison He him in the first grade and he had a suit case with him which was will have some privileges not accord 1 left on the outside when he was taken j'ed to the other convicts Only the'insid the walls but he was told he'worst convicts in the prison wear would be allowed to the things All CHA oIrnittAx? dorf rtll of tTlA Iflftr find Irrwb'n Tixth SLript? rill nxL muuwvlvu tiducTTateMProvidedithey wero not prohibited by determines any changes that arethe rules He had a night shirt and't'l jiaite Ropke was measured under some other articles of "wearing ap iithe'Bertillion system and his picture parel in the case When he went in taken In fact he vas treated just as side he was given' the same treatment any other convict who comes to the inat an otner prisoners receive penitentiary August Ropke arrived in rankfort a bath measured naked by the Bertil on the train at 1 1 Monday ion system Then a hiuiL oi ciouiee piaau gray wiui a gray cap was fitted on him and he was assigned to cell No 7 on walk which is the same cell that was given Judge Booe when he first to prison and is on the same with Curt Jett Beech Hargi other celebrities of the prison Special Ito 'the News 1 'T ut? i Lawrenceburg Ky DecMt' A Tlie high school building caught jfre at 12:30 today and the whole bqilding was ini flames before any r( jilized on fire It is believed thnt all the children escaped somefears are entertained that one two may have been caught in the building and cut off by the flames The'1 whole building is burning fiercely and there is no chance for the fire department1' to save it Special to the News y1 Lexington Kv Dec 12 The en gagenjent of Miss Annette Proctor daughter of and Mrs Proc tor of this city to Lieutenant Hall of United States Army is announced and the wedding will take place early in January Xy 0 CLEMENCY SHOWN' kt Gov Willson granted a pardon six months jail sentence impos ed on Bud Anderson in? Russell county on a charge of jail breaking 'The Governor says it was shown that Anderson did notescape from the jail but simply walked'saway'when he and other prisoners Were outside the' jailHe went hom*o to see his wife choice Cattle 41000 beeves $4 who: was ill but was brought back to $710 Sheep 40000 prime $435 tried anrd convicted Jambs $6 75? custom house now James Graham this city was one of the VnllvnlAAr I i un me vu UVULlLj JUU gine thalt night while Swift was away nah of Greenup will JVirl I I of i accounts OfficeMain Street Both No 11 Rational News Service Dec ive girls rand' twelvexm en garment were arrested today The police de clare they discovered a plot to blow up a house occupied by strikebreakers Many striking swomen are facing starvation ON AlllillST ROPKE I'linrii BLOW NcCHORI) NAMED UP BUILDING nurniiiirnrrrn UllbUlYlffJtnLLbUffimiWIUN ft BUSINESS CLUB WILL TRY TO MAKE THIS CITY CEN TER OR INDUSTRY The of the Business Mens on Thursday night of this week will be an inroortant one and several important matters will be discussed chant which was published in the 'i foremost one is that of devising News last week ithe day after the some plan to give proper encourage deep snow fell His suggestions haveTnent to the tobacco interests of borne good fruit if the council will rankfort only adopt an ordinance providing a fine for people who allow the snow to Several' members of the club have' ft become packed down in front of their fe dfisi been discussing the matter and be Mfc? residences or business houses A lleve that with reasonable induce 1 Inumberiof people have received hard ments this city 'will become the cen awd falls in the past few days just be ter of the tobacco trade for this coun woud ty and parts of the four or five coun off sWe 4 ties adjoining If this annu sale ot loose leaf tobacco can be built up in a reourreMe of these ac the next three or four yeans it will toIng the simws a great deal to rankfort and bky to ln January an(J eb tA5 W111 brinS large trad t0 Mayot Polsgrove and the City merchants rankfort has the big 01inciimen are alive to the situation vaatage of the river as a transporta ap(1 an or(jnance covering the needs medium and tobacco buyers rec of the sltuation wlll probably be giv (ognize this and would rather buy here en ts firg( Monday nifeht 0 CINCINNATI LIVESTOCK Cincinnati Dtjc 12 Cattle Re ceipts 1900 top $665 Hogs Receipts 6300 choice $790 Sheep Receipts 700 prime $375 Lambs $6 25 coming here to be sold tjis Twofold indeed 'be a big market for Burley to bacco in a few years i that ht? prefers to go to Europe Senator Beveridge who is one' of the more prominent Senatorial lame ducks as a result of the recent elec tion is talked of for a diplomatic ap pointment but it is understood that the President has not waxed enthu siastic at the suggestion and it is altogether improbable that more than one would be given to Indiana a It is stated now that no changes will garner one of the Ambassadoriafi will be made for the present in the plums and may be named as the diplomatic representation at faris os cessor of Mr as AmbassadqJ Berlin to Japan although it is understood slated to succeed Whitelaw Reid of York as Ambassador to GrMt Britain has been current from tlq time it appeared that Senator Lodge would have difficulty in securing rX electron: to the Senate But it isprl bable Mi Reid will remain his post: Huntington Wilson i will' be mr Ambassador to Turkey according the renoi Vice President airbarfts) will ''ational News Service Chicago Dec 12 Cash heat 94c Washington Dec corn 49c oats 33c Hlgh jt Taft toiliav nomiMtnl rvnn vow las White a Democrat and Roman i Catholic of Louisiana for Chief (Justice of the United States Supreme Court He also named the following Associate Justices: Joseph La maT a Democrat of Georgia Wielis Vander venter a Republican of Wyom ing i or Chief Justice of the newly created Commerce Court Martin A 'Knapp of New York and for Asso llinM 4 xnvuivuuu vi rauixaus witnin reason 1 Hunt of Montana Cariand of South able bounds and made a strenuous Dakota and Mack of Ifighlt while in the Kentucky Senate to Appointments to the Interstate! pass the law enlarging the powers of Commerce Commission were made as the! Stato Railroad Commissiofl The WJ1UWIB and McChord of Kentucky zM I Chief JnstiieA White is the Ji? Democrat ever appointed to that posi tion by a Republican He is sixty five year? old a graduate of a Jesuit college New Orleans and George it of Curt I i I li fe 'Bl i Al ftrn im 1 hi I Illi llSMffiwr1? A I 3 I I 111 I A I III sHnnkTlft BE I 1 I I li'l.

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The Frankfort News from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)
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