The Frankfort News from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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Frankfort, Kentucky

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i II i LAST EOIIION SINGLE COPY 2c PER YEAR $300 A a I GETS VERDICT HOMICIDE IN CLOSECALL OB Slllllli OR ITY LOGIN COUNTY IJ 7 Mrs Rebecca Johnson Meets Death 1 Sometime During Night 4 0 In Wk One Man Declares THIEVES LOOT oolish With a Cow WANTS PROMISE N9DEP0T DENOMINATION but no ri Settle Jr Private Secretary figure HOTEL LOBBY to McChord CHICAGO LIVESTOCK top lease the IS SUSPENDED DR GARDINER GETS PLACE extras in her night about in the fine his the beautiful wo Some of them vu Mrs Johnson had then been dead for some time DURING UNERAL SENATOR SEVEN CARRIAGES ULL LOWERS BINGHAM'S APPOINTMENT HUNG UP ON ACCOUNT COM MITTEE "S' York and Paris but of all the women I have seen I must say most emphati cally that those I saw on my recent trip to South America are the finest And of these I put those of Chill in the front row with particular refer ence to the women of Santiago and specific attention to The wives of three above HAS DEPOSITS STATE EXAMINER CLOSES' ITS DOORS' Special to the News 1 Lawrenceburg Ky Jan 7 Grant Stratton of this county had a narrow escape from being dragged to death by a cow this morning He was taking the cow to the pond to water her and he wrapped the rope that was attach ed her halteraround his body Jn going through a gate the cow became frightened Stratton a was bones were The coroner Lyman Graham was not notified "of 'the death of BOY DROWNS I cold WTien she was missed her husband and the' family started tout to look for her They followed the tracks in the snow to the well and on look Three types of beauty front Chili I South America John Hanan a (New York millionaire who latelv ro had( turned home after an extended trip I NARROWLY ESCAPE' THRE SERIOUSLY BURNED RE APPOINTED MEMBER OI STATE BOARD CONTROL OR OUR YEAR TERM atory of Dr Lange who claimed to have discovered the secret of trans mutation of baser metals silver 0 Chicago Jan Thirteen thousand top hundred thousand prime $440 Lambs $665 Settle learn to a City morning will be very gratifying news to many friends of of this city when they he has been appointed and ran'? dragging' Mr considerable He bruised and broken HENRY MOSS DEAD government officials shown National News Service Caney Kansas Jan Neeley president of the Wichata Nat ural Gas Co was shot and killed this morning while sitting in the lobby of the Halach hotel reading Al Truck ett a prominent citzen fired the shot Neeley and Truckett recently had a difficulty over gas well leases Nee ley served an injunction preventing Truckett trespassing on tne home is in lama where he is President of the Lima Trust Co He built the ort WayneVan wert and Lima Traction lino and hadextensive gas properties' throughout Northern Indiana Ohio and Kansas Neeley is rreputed immensely thy He leaves widow and two sons CAPITAL OUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY? ALONE 1 Henry Moss a familiar the streets of rankfort for many years as a peddler of fish and oysters died at the county alms house riday night after a long illness are shown in street cosiume The ong at the top whose first name is Jeannette he pronounces "the pret tiest woman in the Below on the left is Rose and to her right Hel ene Mr Hanan says "I have met many men during my career were classed as raging beauties of Newport some were noted in New Special to the Barbourville Kv Jan 7 Ef forts are being made' to induce Dr SPLENDID APPOINTMENT 4 4 Special to the News? Maysville' Ky Jan Sherman Dice a boy of twelve was drowned in a pond on fathers farm this morning while skating The trial of the damage suit' of Woods Administrator ci Clarence Bailey against DesCognets Co was concluded in 'the 'circuitscourt Satur day just before noon I and the ver dict was for Onlymine of the jury signed the verdict as three of tiie jurors were not invfavor of giv in any' damages at all? Bailey was a negro laborer 4n the employ of Des Cognets Co'in putting in a power I iant at the eeble Minded Institute While digging a trench the walls of it caved in and1 caught Bailey in the falling dirt ands crushed or smothered him to' His adminis trator sued for $25000 damages It was understood that the defendants offered' to compromise the case for the was refused case of DulmJiMoss against the Bowman Realty jCoevis on trial Saturday Moss Ts suing for one thousand dollars 'for bis services as advertising agent for tbe big lot sale here a year ago and alleges that had a which' defendants Sid not keep NINE SAY DESCOGNETS CO MUST PAY OR 1 he was just beginning 'to' make his mark in the i life profession he had adopted' The acceptance of the posi tion however does not mean that he ill abandon the law On the con trary it will give hfm a snlendid op portunity to familiarize himself with all the angles and Intricacies of rail road law and his experience as pri vate secretary will enable him tp take a big step forward In his profession At the end of his term if he wishes to do so he will probably be able to more than double his salary by accept ing the attorneyship of one or more of the big railroads who constantly have important matters before Commerce Commission Mr Settle is a young man of habits and fixed principles and friends believe his acceptance of new position will lead to much better He will i National News Service 1 1 New York Jan 7 The Carnegie Trust Co with $8900000 deposits was closed by State 'Superintend ent of Banks today? 'A is sued says an examination of the af fairs of the company has caused the to'bonclude it is in an unsound condition and not safe'to continue The examination is 'still in complete' CV 1 The aiproxima'tely thfrty threes thousand depositors in cluding many wealthy 'people Leslie Shaw was at one time president of the institution The company had a stormy career sinceorganization in 1906 In 1907 Morgan rescued it from collapse by making it a big loan Nearly: three of la' million' of New York City funds' are 'among its deposits JT Howell formerly pres as ident of the ourth National "bank of condition Of Nashville is the nresent hend of the the body jnstitutipn Charles Coulter Dicken Mrs Johnson was loved by all the son the original organizer of the The funeral will be held people in the Bailevs MUI section1 Carniegie Trust Co died afternoon from the residence and had lived a long and useful life I from inhaling poisonous fumes while WEALTHY MAN SLAIN IN KAN TROUBLE OVER GAS LEASES in politics Henry Cojinty News Charles Seitz Buys Out His Partner RANKORT KENTUCKY SATURDAY JANUARY 7 1911 $825 our $706 Sheep Two A JA NEWS TODAY AND A SQUARE DEAL OR EVERYBODY znraix: co a ntieyd nr Arru rcu 11X1 lxr1 11x1 wlv 1 IHH VV 4 TOR RANKORT MAN Special to the News Eminence Ky Jan 7 The Henry morning Mrs Martin Doyle fell and County News the local weekly news 1 broke her thigh and is a "serious paper has changed hands A Sachs condition from the shock Jr and Benjamin Sachs his brother of Louisville bought the controlling interest in the company that owns the paper Hoagland the pre sent editor retains his interest and will continue on the paper Anderson armer Gets Special to the News 'Beattyville Ky Jan 7 ifty min ATSl had a narmnr rta rtm i iiu ucoi1 1 IV Black of this city to enter the yesterday afternoon in the mine of race against Senator Joe Bosworth the' Big Hill 'Coal So near here They for the Republican nomination for were just leaving the mine when the State Senator in this district Dr last shot was fired? This shot caus Black represented this county in the'edl another explosion 'of some kind Legislature in 1904 and is prominent that blewout all the entrance to the mine fifteen miners were burn ed three of them seriously It is be lieved all of them will recover ELL'DOWN STAIRWAY IIIIIIT AliED WOMAN MV 1 1 4m A i Il kill "'Irai' A Hi 1 8 I rurnu in a well Cincinnati Jan 7 Cattle shippers $650 Hogs (active $830 Sheep strong Lambs $675 CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago Jan 7 Wheat corn 46 34c oats 32 2ww Gov JWUIon Saturday afiternoon appointed Dr Thomas Gardiner of Hopkinsville a member of the Ki Board of Control of Charitable In stitutions for a term of four years from the first day of January Dr Gardiner is now a memlber of theboard having been appointed to fillrt' the vacancy caused by the resigna Vy Three Most Beautiful Women EORTS BEING MADE TO BRING OUT OPPOSITION TO 'BOS WORTH Special to the News Russellville 'Ky' Jan Morton Rogers shot and killed his bro ther in law James 'Lando well this' morning in this county Both men are prominent and are about 65 years old It is 'said that bad blood has existed between them for a long time The details of how the shoot 1 ing took place have not been obtain ed Rogers has been arrested 4 HELD UNDER SERIOUS CHARGE' Has New Owners Special to the News Paris Ky' Jan 7 While descend ing a stairway at her this It the that jKs splendid position in Washington He was notified Saturday that he had been appointed as the private secretary to Charles Mc Chord the' newly Inter State Commerce Commissioner The position carries with it a handsome salary and scores of people both old and young were making every effort to secure the plum! Mr Settle is a' son of Judge War (ner'E Settle the Court of Ap peals and has been practicing law for over two years He is re garded as one of the brightest of the young lawyers at the rankfort bar and is in every way fitted to efficient ly discharge the duties of his new things for him in the future position His friends here will be leave for Wiashington the first of next sorry to see him leave rankfort as week to assume his new duties iv" Vp Unsettled with local show ers tonight or Sunday 1 ature about Special to the News Louisville Ky Jan 7 The story is being told on the streets here to day that the reason that the ap pointment of Bingham as Judge Shackelford successor has been delayed is at the request of Bingham that he wanted time to con fer with the Republican committee of this county and city in an effort to get a promise 'from the committee that if he should get the appointment he would be given the nomination for the place at the next election The conference was held so it is told and the special committee appointed to look after such matters declined to make the promise and in fact told him that he would have to take his chances with several old line Repub licans who will seek the nomination It is further told that Bingham has had the appointment several days but has asked that it be not announced so he would have time to make the proposed deal with the committee ALL BUSINESS COMPANY AILS TMmsnTL 1 fhft varW war AXW vx 4XLA0 4WWVWW 'Wife'tof rank Jolhnson one of the dress and wandered yol 84 1 tion of Stanley Milward of Lexing ton The appointment of Dr Gardi ner was expected The fact that a vacancy would occur on January first was overlooked by the1 public' and therefore there were no applicants for Ithe place until the last few days when a few persons were suggested as available men Dr Gardiner was superintendent of the asylum at Hopkinsville when he was appointed a member of the board xHe is re garded as an expert in insanity and its treatment 1 to i MT BLACK OB SENATUB Advertise your Winter stock A' National News Service Elkins Jan Mayor Kochender WILL RUN fer isued an edict for the suspension of all business and stores and manu 1 factories shut down during the fun eral of Senator Elkins The body ar Chales Seitz one of the principal rived on a special train at 8:30 stockholders" in the Capital oundry The services were extremely simple Machine and Novelty Company has but'the floral offerings filled seven bought out the interests of James carriages iLove and will run the business alone Mr Love has 'Sought a ma CINCINNATI (LIVESTOCK chine shop in Lexington and will de vote his time to thalt The local active plant will be enlarged and new ma cnoice cmnerv aaaea rne comnanv mrueu nome alter an extenueu trip J4 contracts too big for the plant here(through South America brought these to handle so in order that the plant three photographs from Chili and pro in Lexington and the one here should cairns them the prettiest women in fbe run right Mr Love sold out to the world They are wives of promi 98c Mr Seitz who wil continue the plant nent officials but their last names 'A 111 rankfort as before Hanan refuses disclose They L' I Ah NMWW4 s' A HOMICIDE MORTON ROGERS SHOOTS HIS 'BROTHER IN LAW TO DEATH Special to the News iv Louisville sKy Jan 5 7 Thieves broke into and looted the safe at the Avenue stafiou if the in' this city last They se cured $80 in money and a lot of rail road tickeis No clew has (been dis covered as to the thieves irnown residents of the I Mi'l neighborhood was found in a well 1 on the farm yesterday morning vviyfo about 6 1 by the family Mrs Johnson had been aeaa tor an uourpu uie cuo wcu mu vu iuvw ife or' perhaps longer It is not knowning down they saw her body floating how she died but she may have fal on'the water The body was re len into the well by accident It is moved as quickly as possible and thought that she was suffering from every effort made to revive the un a temporary fit of mental abberation fortunate woman But all the ef and either jumped fell into the torts were futile waIY Mrs Johnson was about 65 years was evident from the old and leaves a husband and a fam or grown enuaren who mourn 5 lL1x5 1 4UwO this tAr and the burial will be in the ceme Jshe reared' a family of children and1 watching experiments in lhe labor tery nearby was a loving and kind mother Her Mr: time the death of Mrs John 'death caused sorrow in the1 section son occurred is 'not known She of this county in which she lived1 not missed from her room until auuui vvjwa auu bud wojo jxuuwxi uuliucu liltf UcaJlIl AlS have been in bed at 3 It Johnson and did not hold an inquestiA is thought that she left her bed some 'so no verdict was "given as to the 4 time after 3 and went into causeof her death Special to the News Lexington Ky Jan 7 John Ar vin and Alberti Tudor two young 4 white men were held over under' $1' 500 and $1000 bonds respectively this morning on the charge of hav ing detained a fifteen year old' girl against her will They could not give bond and are still in jail shot am in 1 it I S' 4 ft I t1' 1 I a A 7 VwW A' Asv fti '7T JHHMIM it tH 4k? 1 I lLc Mittl 1 a tSBIH Av 1 1 CX ifc 1 4 te.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.