Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (2024)

Indominable J
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Tank Raid InformationOct 24, 2016 13:53:52 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Oct 24, 2016 13:53:52 GMT

There's going to be a lot of information coming out over the next few weeks about the Tank Raid -- what works, what doesn't -- so I figure it makes sense for us to try to centralize that information here as best we can.

Team Instinct's initial impressions are as follows (all taken from this thread forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/73055/team-instinct-new-tip-h-aat-quick-tips-new-tip-airplane-mode/p1):

P1 jedis - aayla igd leads are good

P2 rebs - lando wedge leads

P3 dps team - dathcha lead

P4 clones - rex lead

Each phase should be coordinate by 1 attack at a time trying to get 2% or more.

You need MULTIPLE teams for p3 and p4 as the last phases are sickly hard. If some miss p1 and p2, that's ok means u have stronger teams for p3 and p4.

P1 is easy enough to auto with igd lead and will get ur 2%

P2 focus on turrets but don't kill the turrets until u can do it together as they respawn quickly

P3 the adds are overwhelming, dathcha and ugnaught help suppress them to focus on main and the hidden turret in the back

P4 if you topple make sure to have a buffer as a ship flies in and damages and will wipe players with no buffs. To me this phase is easier if you send a strong team to kill adds then lower health on tank pieces and die. Then send a super team to topple

To get the World First- the strategy was 50 people, each doing 2% per phase. That means All 50 people do 2%, Phase 1 is dead. Phase 2, again, instant dead, P3, P4- 50 people x 2% each = 100%

(HEROIC) If you can take your time, and thoughtfully attack with the squad ideas mentioned- your looking for 3-4% damage per player to be a "good attempt" - That's lvl 81 players, with G9-G11 toons, 60-70% modded correctly with 5* mods. (4-6 squads)

We did it in 40 mins, so carefully coordinating attacks in each phase to do 2% and above over 48 hours should be doable for many guilds with rosters where each person is capable of putting in 8 solid teams on average. Of course having guys who can do more is awesome. Don't accept attacks with less than 2% and watch for squads that can get 3-5% like in phase 2 Rebels with Wiggs, Lando, Leia, ST Han

It can't be understated how valuable anti droid toons are. Ugnaught is pro in P3 with his massive evasion boosts. Jawas and their extra attacks plus droid stuns and damage so nice to have P3-4

And yes even Eeth Koth is good when he's been given the gear/mod treatment!

Indominable J
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Tank Raid InformationOct 24, 2016 13:56:51 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Oct 24, 2016 13:56:51 GMT

(From the same thread)

Jedis jka, igd, aayla, yoda are all great leads. Honestly p1 pretty set with any leveled jedi team. I preferred igd(aayla, kit, ani,eeth) because all the attackers do aoe and it was nice for them to attack and clear the add or gang up on grevious.

P2 lando or wedge lead is ideal. The best team I've seen so far was wedge, lando, biggs, phasma and rey with 800k. You have to focus on getting the turrets down together and this team really packs a punch.

P3 dathcha, ugnaught, gs, jawa scavenger and sf. With dathcha you get extra attacks coupled sith gs. Ugnaught and dathcha both have a fantastic aoe stun so you can focus on the main.

P4 start with medium team (strong enough to almost topple tank) to take the health of the adds and tank pieces down but die before accomplishing it. Then send in driods or clones (you need a buffer or you'll be wiped) and go to the work.

After intital 2 attacks hat just send in **** teams to attack hull only.

Important again is that p1 and p2 are easy compared to p3 and especially p4. Coordination is key.

Get your people ready and open raid. Start with a group of 25 practice and attack until they get above 2% then lock.

Remember rewards are the same for 4-50 it's not that big of deal if you aren't in the top.

Indominable J
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Tank Raid InformationOct 24, 2016 22:57:45 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Oct 24, 2016 22:57:45 GMT



Best team so far is: Wedge lead+Biggs+Lando+Phasma+StHan (credits go to Smithie D) - i dealt ~2 million damage in P2 today.

P1 General Grievous - the annoying phase

It is just about damage. Always nuke down B2 first, then unload all damage you have on GG. When he gets hit 10 times all his abiliites will get reset. A cleanser won´t help you for long if you run AoE guys here. You can clear all dots once, maybe twice later, but you will eat so many dots = i just felt like: it makes more sense to use your highest single DPS chars and go all in vs GG. Tipp: try to land Anakins Buff Immunity (mod some potency on Ani) on GG, so GG won´t get the Tactical Maneuvering buff. If your team is strong enough you can use a cleanser. I even used a cleanser + Barriss and was able to get to "GG enrage" with 1 team. We only had a short P1 yesterday, but i was not the biggest fan of IGD here. Though using him as lead makes sense, cause paired with Aayla she might stun GGs adds, and your team will also take down B2 and both IGs while you focus on GG. If you do not have Anakin or good AoE you should also run a debuffer here. QGJ for example - 1st to get rid of GG´s Tactical Maneuvering buff, 2nd to get rid of an IG taunting and 3rd buffing you with offense up. Keep in mind IGs will taunt every time vs any of your chars who are debuffed by them. I rather prefer single target damage in this phase, but as it is just Normal Mode run the strongest teams you can build. Just deal as much dmg as you can. It all depends on your roster and which toons are available. There is no perfect team. We ran Aayla lead, Ani lead, ungeared OB lead (pretty good), IGD lead, Yoda lead, Palp lead, Teebo lead (stealth attacks)... - in the end it was always the same outcome. One dealt 180k, another one 160k (same team, different leader, some with cleanser, some without, some with dispeller, some without,...),...mediocre teams dealt 100~200k and ungeared teams 50-80k. Maxed out teams will deal 300k+ here. For me this was rather like P4 of the Pit raid, give a f... and just zerg it, as this phase does not make real fun at all.

P2 The AAT - here you need AoE damage

The AAT (centre) has 3 cannons, the dangerous one is the one on the top (Main Cannon). If you destroy all cannons the AAT gets toppled (similar to door down in Pit Raid vs Rancor) and you will receive morale bonuses. Some important things:
1) Try to destroy all 3 cannons as fast as possible (within 1 turn will grant you morale bonus 2) = AoE is your friend (by Anakin or Lando for example). For Lando´s sake try not to kill the cannons one by one. Once they are yellow to red and Lando will go before them (watch turn meter) let him AoE them - he needs more targets for landing his 2 crits/Double Down cooldown reset. Same for Ani in order to have chance on buffing you with Offense Up.
2) Do not let the main cannon on the top hit you (huge dmg / oneshot possible if a char of you is unbuffed) - you could get moral bonus 3 for it, but a normal hit is ~32k and a oneshot is 100k
3) If you do not have strong teams left (also no AoE) which can destroy the cannons in time: just nuke down the main cannon on top and deal damage to the AAT (centre). Do not care about the side-cannons. Just deal as much damage as you can to the AAT without getting hit by the main cannon.
4) Great team is full Jawas, full Droids, and even a mix of Jawas and Droids (HK47+88+86,JE+Nebit) works. If you have both teams you will either have to decide for 1 team OR try not to get to enrage and escape with JE in time, so you can use him with the other team. I dealt about 1.8 million with full Jawas on my very first try - and i have no real clue how to play them. I know Droids can deal > 2 million damage. Pretty sure Jawas can, too. Also the mixed team. The only Omega Ability i have is Scrap Bomb on Scavenger.
5) If you use Smithie D´s Wiggs team i mentioned ( i dealt ~2million dmg with it) try to land speed down on all cannons and the AAT. If not, retreat and try again. It definetely has to land on the AAT. I used Phasmas speed down first, and when the AAT was toppled i used her VM to deal even more dmg to the AAT. Also i used StHan´s taunt to get even more turn meter and a few more hits in during the AAT was toppled. You don´t need a healer or cleanser here. If your team is well geared and modded enough they will all heal up again and not die until enrage. Rebels due to Wedge lead and Phasma due to Health Steal.

Last but not least:

Do not use Lando and Anakin in the same team. Have a Rebel team with Lando and Wiggs, use Anakin with other Jedis. If you have enough Jedis build a 2nd Jedi team. Best Jedi team i could create so far: Anakin lead + Ima-Gun Di + Aayla + 2 other (Jedis or what you think helps your team most). Ahsoka (rework) paired with Ani is pretty cool, Yoda would work, QGJ,...so why not IGD lead? The only thing i can´t prove (just what i think): In P1 counterattack works but might also help GG reducing his ability cooldown (to my mind, have to test it more next time). Anakin lead buffs all Jedis with offense and crit damage, and P1 is just about total damage vs GG. My output was always higher with Ani lead than with IGD lead. But: IGD lead works - no question - might also help you vs both IG´s and B2. My problem was / or is: my IGD is gear 9 now, my Aayla was only 6* gear 8 (both without omega abilities). As far as i can say IGD lead paired with Aayla is great, because she (Aayla) might stun B2 or the IGs on every counter. I just had my best attempt with Ani lead. Will test it again soon. In Phase 2 IGD lead didn´t help me much. I needed Anakins AoE (higher dmg due to his lead) to kill all cannons as quick as possible (to get a better moral bonus). Whereas IGD lead and counterattacks of your Jedis might lead to an uncontrolled destruction of 1 cannon -> less cannons = Anakin might fail buffing you with Offense Up. Just my playstyle, but i also preferred running Anakin lead here (+6* Rex - the only Chromium Char i am buying right now + 6* gear 8 Aayla+ gear 9 IGD+ lvl 73 gear 8 Ahsoka) - ~600k dmg. Will test it soon again with IGD lead and maybe i will find out i could deal way more dmg with him being the leader. I am just not used to him so much. Why generally IGD on a team? His defense down debuff as well as his defense up buff will help your Jedis to deal more dmg and to survive longer. And he also deals extra damage to droids. A cleanser (EE/Rex) does also fit very very well in this team. But keep AA for Rebels (AA lead + Leia + Han Solo for example, add more DPS like Rey and GS).

Lessons learned in P2
- take out the Main Cannon first if your team can´t disable all 3 in time
- make sure all chars are buffed when you come out of the toppling phase, otherwise the main cannon might nuke your team instantly (all unbuffed) in the end (happened to me 2 times now before enrage, always when the enrage timer - 15 turns - went down from 3 to 2!)
- when you use a 2nd team and the Main Cannon instantly kills one of your chars - bad luck, welcome to the club. What i did to help me: i put in Ewok Elder, let the Main Cannon not kill him and revived the Char it killed.
- this also leads me to: always use your best team first, then your 2nd best,...as long as the Main-Cannon-insta-nukes-a-single-char does not happen to you, all good. But if it does you can use EE or throw in your team number 5 to soak up the damage. Keep in mind this will count as 1 of your 5 daily attempts. And: the AAT might also use his High-Explosive Shells, followed by his Incendiary Shells. So this "cannon fodder team" might soak up the Main Cannon nuke (1 dead) and also soak up the dots - all dead. This would be the best your cannon fodder team can achieve. Afterwards pick your next best team again
- If you are out of AoE teams i would suggest running sth like AA+Leia+Rey and also all Assist Caller chars you still have (like QGJ,IG86,GS,Fives,...). All those assists really help you to reach a few topple phases, and AA can also cleanse the dots. Leia will also buff your chars in the topple phase.

P3 B2 Rocket Trooper and his 6 Battle Droids

Top Team: Dathcha lead JAWAS!

Team 2-5: All chars being able to apply DEBUFFS (especially stuns) are your friend - heavy Rebel AoE is not! Ugnaught is very good (might stun all droids), Palpatine, Eeth Koth, Lumi, Phasma, OB, IGD, Ani, Aayla, Fives.... throw in whatever you have, but you also need a char being able to buff yourself before the AAT hits you.

Tactics: Only focus on the B2 and try NOT to kill his B1 Droids unless necessary. Stun them, slow them, but only kill the buffed B1 Droid (Directing Fire buff) before it is able to shoot at you. Why not kill any B1 droids (this is a bit similar to Phase 1 where GG gets cooldown back for all his abilities)? The problem here is: B2 Rocket will get -1 cooldown on his "Barrage" ability back whenever you kill a droid. He will then use it and you will suffer healing immunity! So if you have to kill a B1 try to time it when B2 would get this ability back anyways. I didn´t really pay attention to the B1 Battle Droid Commander (they all look the same) so i can´t tell you if you have to pay attention to him at all. I guess i killed or stunned all B1 droids and he never used his Shaken effect. Always keep an eye on the AAT Main Cannon in the upper left corner. Like in Phase 2 be sure you do have positive status effects on all your Chars before it shoots.
Tipps: You can use Wedge lead Rebels here, but avoid using Wedge AoE, just use his BASIC vs B2. Lando doesn´t help you much (do not use AoE), replace him by Leia for example. Generally said: SINGLE TARGET HIGH DPS Chars will help you to deal a lot of damage. Empire and Clones are also ok for teams 2-5. IGD lead counterattack Jedis and Ugnaught also. Enough said.

P4 AAT again, pretty much like P2, but now protected by 2 B´s

Top Teams: Rebels (Wedge lead Lando Phasma - paired with AA or Leia), Jawas and whatever can deal tons of dmg and has AoE (also Clones, Droids, Counterattacker Jedis).

Step 1: Kill both B2´s as quickly as possible and don´t use Wedge AoE - use his basic to apply Defense Down on one B2. Biggs special should OHKO the other B2. Do not buff yourself if you can´t kill both B2´s in time - or all buffs might be gone. If you use Phasma and AA: try to use Lando´s AoE first, but if a B2 counters - RETREAT. Then buff AA´s Tactical Genius and topple the AAT by Lando DOUBLE-AoE. When only the AAT is left everything is pretty much like in P2. If you use Phasma+Leia like i did: avoid doing Lando AoE first, do not stealth with Leia - target 1 B2 with Wedge,Leia,Lando,Phasma and OHKO the other one with Biggs Special!

Step 2: Topple AAT, gain Morale Bonuses, unload damage on AAT during the topple phase, BUT be sure to have positive status effects on ALL chars when you come out of the topple phase. Now an Airstrike will hit you and kills ALL UNBUFFED chars - carefully at the end of the topple phase, your whole team might get wiped! If buffed - all good, the airstrike won´t hit you too hard. I used Leias basic to get positive buffs during the topple phase - really helped me. You could also try Han Solo (6*) to buff your group with "Never tell me the odds" for 2 turns. Whatever you are going to do: you need to time it well in the topple phase. Too early and buffs might be gone when you come out of it - ooohwee, DANGER.

Tips: Pay attention to the main cannon on top - if you lack damage disable it first after both B2´s are dead. Otherwise disable it by Wedge/Lando AoE or whatever char has the chance to disable it fast enough. Land speed down (Phasma) on the AAT to deal more dmg during the topple phase. Do not use Slow Down during the topple phase! Won´t work. Last but not least: if your other teams are too weak to topple the AAT, just stun/kill the B2s and take out the main cannon + maybe another side cannon. Then focus on the AAT (centre) only. Do not try to topple it if you lost a char, can´t manage the airstrike, and besides of having to disable the main cannon again also B2´s will again be in your way. Just all single target damage to the AAT. Other teams: Rex helps buffing you, Palp can shock B2´s,... i wish you a lot of fun, but if you made it to P4 i guess you will have it anyways!
Last words: We are pretty much done with our first AAT NORMAL now. 4 days and 4 refreshes - on the first day we launched the Raid pretty late, so about a dozen members missed dealing damage in P1 on day 1 and many didn´t even do all their battles. I guess we could clear it with 3 refrehses, if all work hard on their chars. P1 is no fun and will probably never be, P3 is not easy, P2+4 i love. Wedge is the overall MVP for me (look at my screen shot) - guys, work on him, Lando and Biggs NOW. Jawas are really great - also Droids (tho mine are not good enough to really use them right now). Jedis are ok, but their damage output disappointed all of us. Ugnaught shines in P3 (his stun), his basic damage is really good. But do not farm him if you have other priorities! I will update my guide during our next raid, still so much we all have to learn. Please keep in mind it is just the first week of the new content - give it a chance. Do not work on all your Chars, do not upgrade a char you don´t have to (just because you have the gear to gear IX Poe Dameron) - save gear for the important chars of this raid and max them all! And now i am out, wishing all of you lots of fun and of course "GOOD LUCK"!

Last Edit: Oct 28, 2016 1:08:56 GMT by Indominable J

Indominable J
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Tank Raid InformationOct 25, 2016 17:27:20 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Oct 25, 2016 17:27:20 GMT


I was able to fight through all four phases of Heroic and only did 2% for phase 1, and managed about 1.3% for phase 2. But, that wasn't enough to carry my share of 2% per phase through the whole raid.

In comparison, I have done about 650k per day with my five attacks on T6. So, the most accurate comparison I could make from my one heroic experience is that 650k on P1 of T6 would be comparable to 2% of P1 of Heroic. Similarly, I would say that you would aim for 1m damage for P2 of T6 to be ready for Heroic. That was the minimum equivalent benchmark for each player to complete the raid. So, if the members of your guild can do comparable damage, you should be ready. If not, you will probably be unsuccessful. Unfortunately, I did not have the strength of roster to do well in phases 3 and 4, so I can't provide reliable data for those.

Last Edit: Oct 25, 2016 17:28:20 GMT by Indominable J

Jowest Keberg
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Tank Raid InformationOct 27, 2016 12:12:37 GMT

Post by Jowest Keberg on Oct 27, 2016 12:12:37 GMT

This is some great information J and what teams work for each phase seems to be holding true. I would add that Jawa seem to do well in P2 also so if you don't have the resources to go after a Rebel team and a Jawa team, you can start by just farming Jawa which will get you good numbers in both P2 and P3. Rebels may do well in P3 also. Guess we will find out! Great post bro!

Thann Solaar
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Meddling Know-it-all

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Tank Raid InformationOct 27, 2016 12:59:19 GMT

Post by Thann Solaar on Oct 27, 2016 12:59:19 GMT

Some useful "Normal vs Heroic" data is starting to come in.

Just read on the forums that one guild finished a Tank Takedown Normal in 3 days, yet they only made it to 1/2 of P3 in Heroic. This is corroborated by other guilds.

The global collective is starting to settle on "2 refreshes to finish Normal" as the go-ahead for Heroic.

Indominable J
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Tank Raid InformationNov 1, 2016 1:09:22 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Nov 1, 2016 1:09:22 GMT




Send in 1 team only, keep an eye on the health of the Boss and Discord chat. If you see an Officer announce to hold or retreat, pull out and wait to go in one at a time until Phase 1 is completed. This will be around 10-15 percent remaining health of the Boss. If you see the health of the Boss below 10 percent and no Officer has said anything, pause and let them know the Boss is below 10 percent health. Await further instructions.

Estimated Phase Damage Required 4,300,000

Each raid participant will attack with one team with a Goal Damage of 86,000 per participant

Suggested Teams
Jedi Team:

Anakin (Lead), Qui-Gon Jinn, Aayla, Yoda, Ahsoka

Ima-Gun Di (Lead), Qui-Gon Jinn, Aayla, Yoda, Kit Fisto

Alternatives (possibly less effective)

Team: Anakin (Lead), Aayla, Ima-Gun Di, QGJ, Ewok Elder

Characters: Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Ahsoka


Offense, Speed, Potency

Player Attack Strategy:

Phase one is pretty simplistic, use Jedi’s, kill the B2 Super Battle Droid, cleanse & repeat. You want to start by hitting B2, get him low, but don’t kill him, General Grievous will revive him his first move if you kill him before Grievous’ first turn. You want to have yoda use tenacity up before Grievous goes his first turn. A good start is using QGJ assist and either having Ayala stun B2, or Yoda going and getting foresight. Reset, if possible, until you get the encounter to start like that. Stun the adds as often as possible. The goal is a minimum of 86k, but you should shoot for 200k here. If you do not get the desired results, and have time, simply retreat and try again for better RNG.



Send in 1 team only, keep an eye on the health of the Boss and Discord chat. If you see an Officer announce to hold or retreat, pull out and wait to go in one at a time until Phase 2 is completed. This will be around 10-15 percent remaining health of the Boss. If you see the health of the Boss below 10 percent and no Officer has said anything, pause and let them know the Boss is below 10 percent health. Await further instructions.

Estimated Phase Damage Required 19,000,000

Each raid participant will attack with one team with a Goal Damage of 380,000 per participant

Suggested Teams

Droid Team:

HK47 lead, IG88, IG86, Chief Nebit, Jawa Engineer

Alternatives (possibly less effective)

Wedge lead, Biggs, Lando, Phasma, STH

Alternatives: Rex instead of STH


Crit chance, crit damage, speed

Player Attack Strategy:

Your goal here is to TOPPLE the Tank 3 times. You want to kill all 3 guns before the main tank goes to get two buffs. Usually you soften them up, wait for main gun to go, then clear them at the same time. Rinse and repeat that 2 more times for 700k plus damage. If you do not get the desired results, and have time, simply retreat and try again for better RNG.



Guild members should send in their A , B and C Teams using the guide below as suggested Team comps. Once done watch for Discord chat to see if a 4th and 5th team will be needed. If you see an Officer announce to hold or retreat, pull out and wait to go in one at a time until Phase 3 is completed. This will be around 10 percent remaining health of the Boss. If you see the health of the Boss below 10 percent and no Officer has said anything, pause and let them know the Boss is below 10 percent health. Await further instructions.

Estimated Phase Damage Required 12,000,000

Each raid participant will attack with three teams with a Goal Damage of 240,000 (3 teams @ 80,000 per team)

Suggested Teams

Datcha lead, Jawa, Ugnaught, Stormtrooper Han Solo and Captain Phasma

Alternatives (possibly less effective)

Dathcha lead, Jawa, Jawa Scavenger, Chief Nebit, Jawa Engineer

Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Royal Guard, with additional Empire or possibly Sith

Ig88 Lead, Dathcha, Jawa, Jawa Scavenger, Darth Vader

Admiral Akbar, Princess Leia, Ugnaught, OG Han Solo

Tanks and high HP characters.

“Made a small tweak to SkyKräk‘s P3 team (Datcha, Nebit, Jawa, OG Han, and Ugnaught). Since I use Nebit in P2, I sub in STHan and Phasma (replacing Nebit and OG Han). Nothing in this phase strips Han’s taunt giving the team massive TM advantage the entire time he is up. Phasma keeps everything slowed and with Datcha’s leader ability this AOE is also great at reducing enemy TM while giving the defense down buff. This team should generate an easy 300k in P3. If the tank cannon had chosen a different target at the end of this run, this score would have been 500k.

On a side note, I found it hilarious that no matter what configuration I tried, the only successful ones had Han Solo in it. Those odds have be a million to one right?” – Oodd B Narr

Player Attack Strategy:

Phase 3 is the most horrible phase of all! You have to use your Area of Effect (AOE) stuns. Keep the buffed droid contained with a stun while making sure you buff all your characters right before the back cannon attacks. Let Ugnaught go crazy on boss! Both Datcha lead and OG Han Solo are good for damage and group buff, which also makes your jawa and ugnaught dodge more. You stagger your AOE stun, and reset if it doesn’t hit 4 or more. If you do not get the desired results, and have time, simply retreat and try again for better RNG.



Zerg Baby!

Estimate Phase Damage Required 12,000,000

Each raid participant will attack with all remaining teams with a Goal Damage of 240,000 (3 teams @ 80,000 per team)

Suggested Teams

Wedge Antilles lead, Rex, Captain Phasma, Biggs Darklighter and Lando Calrissian

Alternatives (possibly less effective)

Whatever else you have left!

Player Attack Strategy:

You will want to send a decent team in first (Example: Rey, Jedi’s, GS) and kill the two B2 Super Battle Droids and top cannon. After that, die and send in Droids or Wiggs and focus on the Tank only, DON’T TOPPLE! Once that team dies, send in your next best team and rinse and repeat. As long as you don’t topple you can keep hitting without worrying about those pesky B2 Super Battle Droids. If you do happen to topple the Tank from AOE damage, make sure all your characters are buffed. An airstrike will damage your whole team for massive damage if you aren’t buffed once it gets back up from topple. Also the B2 droids will ress. If you do not get the desired results, and have time, simply retreat and try again for better RNG.

Last Edit: Nov 1, 2016 1:10:00 GMT by Indominable J

Indominable J
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Posts: 60Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (63)

Tank Raid InformationNov 2, 2016 20:02:30 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Nov 2, 2016 20:02:30 GMT

Phase 3 Team:

We are using chirpa (L) with three tanks and Palps to do 4-5pct each using the palpatine shock on the six adds so the palpatine goes 30-40 times (in a row) with his basic on the b2 boss. It is like the teebo (l) trick. Amazing.


Thann Solaar
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Tank Raid InformationNov 3, 2016 2:27:44 GMT

Post by Thann Solaar on Nov 3, 2016 2:27:44 GMT

Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (71)

Nov 2, 2016 20:02:30 GMT Indominable J said:

Phase 3 Team:

We are using chirpa (L) with three tanks and Palps to do 4-5pct each using the palpatine shock on the six adds so the palpatine goes 30-40 times (in a row) with his basic on the b2 boss. It is like the teebo (l) trick. Amazing.


Ugh. As if I didn't want 7* Palpy bad enough already Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (72)

Nice find, J!

Indominable J
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Posts: 60Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (79)

Tank Raid InformationNov 4, 2016 17:11:01 GMT

Post by Indominable J on Nov 4, 2016 17:11:01 GMT

Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (80)

Nov 3, 2016 2:27:44 GMT Thann Solaar said:

Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (81)

Nov 2, 2016 20:02:30 GMT Indominable J said:

Phase 3 Team:

We are using chirpa (L) with three tanks and Palps to do 4-5pct each using the palpatine shock on the six adds so the palpatine goes 30-40 times (in a row) with his basic on the b2 boss. It is like the teebo (l) trick. Amazing.


Ugh. As if I didn't want 7* Palpy bad enough already Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (82)

Nice find, J!

Thann Solaar
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Meddling Know-it-all

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Tank Raid InformationNov 24, 2016 15:02:35 GMT

Post by Thann Solaar on Nov 24, 2016 15:02:35 GMT

Some data on Normal vs Heroic, found on The Reddits:

Total Health, Normal Tier

  • Phase I - 33,000,000
  • Phase II - 76,500,000
  • Phase III - ~50,000,000
  • Phase IV - ~48,000,000

Total Health, Heroic Tier

  • Phase I - 4,300,000
  • Phase II - 19,200,000
  • Phase III - 12,000,000
  • Phase IV - 12,000,000

So 2% damage in Heroic looks like this:

  • Phase I - 2% = 86,000
  • Phase II - 2% = 384,000
  • Phase III - 2% = 240,000
  • Phase IV - 2% = 240,000

Total is about 950k per player for the entire raid.

BTW: It was noted earlier in this thread that ~650K dmg in Normal P1 would be about equivalent to 2% (86K dmg) in Heroic. While this is true mathematically, it turned out to be very misleading in practice, at least in my case when we did our test run Heroic: My Jedi rarely get more than 250K in Normal but they easliy hit 2% (99K) in our Heroic try. Jus' sayin' Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (90)

Thann Solaar
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Meddling Know-it-all

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Posts: 48Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (97)

Tank Raid InformationDec 2, 2016 0:38:38 GMT

Post by Thann Solaar on Dec 2, 2016 0:38:38 GMT

Sooo... Just found this extremely intriguing info on the EA forums. Food for thought.

Hello SWGOH community, I'm the GM of Alpha Squad, an independent guild that has managed to clear heroic AAT and currently has it on farm status. When AAT first came out, we cleared regular AAT in 6 refreshes but we knew we were light-years away from a heroic kill. We also took that time to read up on the heroic strategies published by TI / Team Skunk. In general, there was a consensus that you needed 50 players that had the ability to do "2 % per phase." The reality is that Alpha Squad has 2-3 whales, some dolphins, some guppies, and lots of F2P. We had under 10 players that can clear 2% per phase so our chances of clearing heroic AAT with the generally published strats were slim to none. We persevered and did some research and discovered that great teams can do 5 to 10% in a single phase with the right gear, mods, strategies, player skill, AND of course RNG. With this in mind, we formulated the "Super Team" strategy. This strategy has been deployed by Alpha Squad as well as other underpowered guilds that we've shared it with - with good success. If you're in a guild struggling with getting your players to build 4 viable heroic AAT teams, perhaps you start asking your guild to build one or two "Super Teams" and give this strategy a shot.

The general guild roster guidelines are as follows:

1) Each player is responsible for building 1 to 2 amazing "Super Teams" that can do 5% or more in a phase. Given the Wiggs meta, many players already have a "Super Team" in hand - Rebels

2) A core of 2 to 5 heavy hitters will be expected to contribute 5% or more in 3 to 4 phases

3) Don't spread yourselves thin trying to build 4 teams to tackle heroic. Build 1 to 2 teams at G10/G11 with excellent mods and shoot for north of 5%. "G11 or Bust" is our guild motto.

4) DO NOT throw away skilled players with thin rosters. As of now, we've killed heroic 4 times. We have 5 to 6 players that have a grand total of ONE (1) heroic AAT ready team (maxed rebels) and little of anything else. Other heroic guilds have rejected these players, but they find a home with Alpha Squad because we only ask for one amazing run (4 to 6%) and then they can do 1% in the other phases.

5) DO NOT worry so much about escaping/retreating with your toons, just get the best attempt possible. If you can pull 5% in a phase with your Super Team, it doesn't matter that they all died in the process of pulling that amazing run.

The Super Team Strategy by Phase:

Phase 1 (20 to 30 good Jedi Teams)

- Team: Jedis (IGD, Aayla, Anakin leads are all viable)

- Damage Goal: 2 -3% for average Jedis, Superteam Jedis aim for 5 to 7%

- One attack only, if your Jedi can't do 2%, skip the phase and save Jedi for phase 3

Phase 2 (All your Droid teams with a little help from Rebels)

- Team: Droids (HK, 88, 86, Nebit, JE), if you do not have Nebit, you may substitute with GG or IG100

- Damage Goal: 2 -3% for average to good Droids, Super Team Droids: 6 to 9%

- One attack only per player

- If your guild lacks the droid firepower to finish P2, send 5 to 10 rebel squads to complete phase 2


- Teams: Chirpatine, Teebotine, Jawas, or Jawa Mix (3 Jaws + 2 others)

- Damage Goal: 2% for Teebotine and Jawas. Superteam Chirpaltines: 4 to 6%


- B, C, and D teams should aim for 50 to 100k in damage (0.5 to 1%)

Phase 4 (30 to 35 Rebel Super Teams Close it Out)

- Team: Rebels - Wedge (L), Biggs, Lando, Leia (or Solo), Scarif Rebel Patfinder (or STH or AA)

- Damage Goal: Regular Rebels: 2%, Superteam Rebels: 6 to 10%


Tank Raid Information | Dead-man-ewoking (98)

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